Supercharge your Life with Purpose
Aligning Purpose with Career can be a powerful combination for success

Supercharge your Life with Purpose

Carpe Diem

I'm going to regularly share some excerpts from a guide that I created that helps me with my life and gives me something to focus on when obstacles start to pile up. There are 21 different behaviors that help motivate and guide me daily, and I hope they help you too! Let me know please. [email protected]

From the our Tribe Guide; You can read the whole guide here… The 21 Proof Tribe Guide

‘You Don’t have to stand on a desk to seize the day. But you do need to grab the day by the balls, point it in the direction you want to go, and push forward, knocking down all obstacles in the way.’

Purpose helps you focus and blaze through obstacles

People talk a lot about finding their purpose in life, but that grandiose theme –more akin to vision– is not what we’re here to hash out today. What we’re digging into is a bit more basic, the brass tacks of how you approach each day and what you get out of it. Though certainly essential to reaching the more lofty heights of self-fulfillment, Purpose is focused on the here and now. Think of it as the little cousin of Initiative: where one goes, the other is sure to be tagging along.

Ask any successful, driven person and they’ll tell you that the hard part of reaching a goal isn’t setting it; it’s the day-in, day-out sometimes trudge of one foot in front of the other that wins the marathon. That journey of 1,000 miles only gets completed if you can get your butt in gear to do a mile a day.

So how do you cultivate this kind of purpose? And what keeps it going day after day?

 “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – JFK


Before you start your engines for the day, make sure you have a clear idea of what you’d like to get out of it. Taking a moment the night before can make it easier to hit the ground at a respectable pace when the wake up alarm buzzes. Need a day off? Bravo, take it…but just do it intentionally so you look back at the day with a sense of doing a kick ass job of taking it easy, instead of kicking yourself for wasting a day.


No, we’re not saying to be selfish – A purposeful life is all about looking out for the greater good. But when it comes to setting your purpose for each day, the only measuring stick you can compare against is your very own.


Here’s an excerpt from my COURAGE ACADEMY COURSE Lesson 3 which covers Finding Purpose.

Putting courage into action through Purpose

Most people are taught the following when they are young… Study hard, go to a good school, don’t buck the system, get a job, try to make money and eventually, you’ll be happy.  

Note to self…following someone else’s plan is not the recipe for being happy in life…

If you speak with older people, people who have had a lot of experience in life, and you ask them what they would do differently if they could start again, you hear some common themes… They would take more risks, laugh more, have more experiences, be less afraid and follow their passions. But life is hard and our fears often keep us from finding out what we are truly capable of. Listen hard to their advice. If you don’t, you’ll be saying the same thing in your old age.

If you never align your career with your purpose, what you’re truly passionate about, then that means every single day you go to work, you’re working at odds with your gut and passion. Not a great formula for success in the long run and eventually that plays out with a midlife crisis, regrets and burnout.

Read more here:  COURAGE ACADEMY Finding Purpose Just create a free account to get the entire Courage Academy.


  • Read the Purpose Lesson in our COURAGE ACADEMY Finding Purpose. to get deeper into ways to identify and find your purpose. All you need is to setup a free account. It's free!
  • Spend a few minutes each night this week thinking about the day to follow, and write down ONE key purpose for the next day.
  • At the end of the day, write down whether you accomplished the purpose you set out with.
  • At the end of the week, write up what you learned from this exercise and write it down. Take a picture of your writings so you can refer back to them.

I love to hear your questions and feedback, please send them to me at [email protected]

I will respond to you, I promise.


Dave Trujillo

Founder of the 3rdNut Courage Academy


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