Supercharge Your ACO to Compete Under Risk
Image by Ian Taylor

Supercharge Your ACO to Compete Under Risk

Never has it been more important for ACOs to amp up Value with significantly higher cost savings and outcomes performance. More payment models are risk-based, changing economics for providers. Corporate health care and equity-backed practices are nabbing ACO physicians, making it hard for ACOs to sustain and grow. The next two years may be the last grace period for ACOs to show that provider-directed organizations can produce Value, before Medicare Advantage health plans—now chosen by half of beneficiaries—becomes the predominant model.

That's why our spring 2023 eBook, Supercharge Your ACO: 6 Key Strategies for Top Value, is your essential guide for ACOs under Risk. After years of operating as bootstrap-funded organizations that produce modest savings, ACOs must now put infrastructure in place and quickly scale up savings. If they fail to do that, provider-led models will be sidelined in the Value-Based Care future. The direction of health care will be determined by those organizations willing to take Risk and to reshape the health care system as affordable and equitable.

We at Roji Health Intelligence started our business by helping physician networks clinically integrate and by aggregating data for shared quality initiatives. Some of those providers became the first ACOs in the program, struggling to get dedicated infrastructure and data to guide efforts. Too many of you are still in this position, producing no or small savings. You can't be successful under Risk if you can't produce significant savings.

When we wrote the first Supercharge Your ACO in 2021, we included a lot of strategies for ACOs to consider to advance with greater power. Those strategies are still valid. But we are in a different place now in health care, post-pandemic but not post-crisis, and there is an urgency around moving toward Value that is time-delimited. In this eBook, we concentrate on six major strategies to make your ACO scale up to the level needed to boost your savings, outcomes, and equity—and in so doing, beat the competition.

Don't let your organization’s future slip away. Download Supercharge Your ACO: 6 Key Strategies for Top Value here.

This article originally appeared on the Roji Health Intelligence blog, 4-20-23.


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