Supercharge and inspire customers with Social Media Bots.

Supercharge and inspire customers with Social Media Bots.

AI chatbots are becoming treasures to organizations for automating business processes with programs simulating human-like conversations using natural language processing (NLP). It also understands free language and have a predefined flow for solving users’ problems.

Conversational AI Chatbots use Machine Learning to understand intents. They are sophisticated, task oriented and highly predictive and learns from past behaviour

Social Media Bots — Future of communication

More than half of the world population spends at least 3 hours in social media per day and there cant be any other better platform to reach customers. Social media bots imitate human conversations easily and also have an improvised customer engagement.

Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis of US Government says social media bots are programs that vary in size depending on their function, capability and design that can be used on social media platforms to do various useful and malicious tasks while stimulating human behaviour using Bigdata, artificial intelligence etc

With a projected worldwide market of over $1.3 billion by 2024 — AI chatbots are talking point in the social media marketing world. Chatbots in social channels streamline communication, thus save time and plays vital role in solving customer issue, providing relevant information and in understanding the audience

Social Media bots starts simple, greets people, gives quick replies and also personalize the customer experience by using emojis, gif, video clips taking bot strategy to next phase.

Marketing refinement using bots

Vital benefit of social media bots is that they can be used to engage with the customer with an end-to-end interaction from enquiry to receiving payments. The functions companies entrust to bots include welcoming visitors to social media sites, booking appointments, providing basic information of the products and services, promoting new products, lead generation, answering FAQs, notifications on special offers, round the clock customer service, guiding customers on simple purchase process etc thus helps reaching brand’s marketing goals.

Social media bots are real fun, user friendly, streamlines customer service and cuts down the costs. Ready to dive into social media bot ??

“Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” — Dave Willis, Author and Speaker



