Superaffective AI Teaches Meditation For Everyone
Meditation for everyone: Superaffective & Eastern wisdom.

Superaffective AI Teaches Meditation For Everyone

?? Josh Stroud here with the latest in AI news, demos, and great science :) Today we're covering meditation. In this guide, you'll learn how Superaffective AI views meditation – An essential part of a balanced toolkit for understanding cognition , thinking , and the mind .

Meditation has been taught for thousands of years in places like India , Japan , and Tibet . Meditation has many different forms, from watching the breath, to watching body sensation, to focusing on a mantra or seed phrase. The form we think is most helpful for an American working audience is "body scans" .

The essence of a body scan is tracking the sensation in your body with a balanced relaxed attention. As you watch the sensation of your body, you'll notice many things – The goal is to notice what's happening in your body in a relaxed and easy way.

One of the pioneers of body scans in the west is Jon Kabat-Zinn . He pioneered integrating the ideas of Buddhism with the ideas of American science Useful for working professionals, families, and leaders who value presence and authenticity.

Jon Kabat-Zinn – Body Scan Meditation

Diving Deeper: Learning About Meditation, Theory And Practice

One of the books that helped me understand how to meditate, and how to integrate mindfulness into my everyday life, was Wherever You Go, There You Are . Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote this book as a poetic and beautiful introduction to the modern American practice of mindfulness.

One of the insights I took from reading this book as a student in college was a more nuanced understanding of body sensation, and how our thoughts are connected to our emotions and our feelings.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Speaks About Meditation, Mindfulness, And Wisdom At Wisdom 2.0 In San Francisco

Josh Stroud Loves Meditation – Superaffective AI Does Too :)

If you're interested in learning more about meditation, I would recommend visiting Superaffective's Meditation Library . We plan to host a variety of content from meditation leaders, scientists and researchers, and our favorite meditation teacher Josh Stroud :) Josh Stroud has over 1,000 hours of meditation, experience with advanced brain wave / EEG technology, and a yoga teacher training credential from a school in India :) Josh Stroud believes the next generation of AI will be powered by great ideas from a variety of fields – Including the latest and greatest in AI ideas alongside established cognitive science and Eastern traditions like yoga and meditation :)

A Match Made For Two: Bumble Inc. & Mindfulness

One of the partnerships we're excited about at Superaffective AI is Bumble Inc. and the relationship matching algorithm :) There's a lot of AI to be had in matching romantic partners, best friends, and business relationships :) If you're interested in learning about Bumble Inc. or our mindfulness partner Sounds True , visit Bumble's page on the web for mindfulness and dating :)

Josh Stroud Sounds Off On Meditation And Dating

One of my favorite pieces about modern dating from Arctic Monkeys :) Enjoy!


