Super Santa invades Taction Floor and made us all dance Till We…

Super Santa invades Taction Floor and made us all dance Till We…

Christmas celebration takes a new turn as Taction witnesses a rare Santa with Extraordinary Powers that he gifts away to members, not before some tests off-course.

It was 22nd dull, foggy and chilly morning. Like everyone else in this part of the world, the day saw everyone deep onto their computer monitors busy with their codes and off course deadlines. Few on the floor missed Shikhar as he was on leave, the loudest noise on the floor was the tapping of the keyboards doing clikkity-clack in a chorus!It was around 12:00 PM when the world actually gears up to have lunch, the main door BANGED OPEN… and someone cried “HO-HO-HO”.

It was the red and white dressed Big Santa with the flowing beard and light behind  his back, made the floor drop in shock, pin drop silence. Well, for a second till the jingle bells song started to play...The sun had come up in full shiny, the fog outside had vanished and Santa along with the members shouted in one voice MERRY CHRISTMAS!!.

The floor was now a lava of energy, red in color and Santa moved from one desk to another in his own style clicking selfies and giving toffees/chocolates from his big pouch that he carried on his shoulder.

Till someone actually took off his mask…

It was Hemant, who was trying to have a quick jig with Santa and Oh My Boy! This particular Santa really loves to dance (see the short video Santa shot before he came on the floor).

The beard actually came out first and the mask followed and it revealed a dark face with shiny teeth, smiling with little sparkling eyes, It was Shikhar...Who had smartly called the day off due to some urgent work at home, “It was an amazing Idea (who wanted to keep this confidential) to surprise the members on the floor and incidentally I was the only eligible one!”

The missing friend was back with a bag full of goodies. Mobiles were put to good use via Pics and Videos, the keyboards fell silent and LIFE took over!.

The fingers were now counting the toffees rather than counting the days left to the simple Christmas holiday. Suddenly Santa asked everyone  - to get out of the room in 1..2..10 Seconds Flat …Awww !!

It’s my Day!, He shouted again and we will spend the whole day having Fun, Playing Games and I shall BESTOW upon the LUCKY Few, a SPECIAL POWER that will surely bring a Smile or two on your Faces.

We all headed over to the newly acquired floor and to our surprise found out to be well decorated, dressed with a light up the Christmas Tree inviting people to have a group shot, the members tumbled one on another to have their faces first, The camera never clicked a flash as the faces were lit enough with excitement, KHACHAK!! And a bunch of techies were captured with Merry Christmas on their faces…

Thanks for such a warm welcome, however, it was my day to give you presents and powers, but after seeing your zeal for Christmas, I felt so special, "When I entered the floor with jingle bell song playing it was like a Rockstar entry"- Santa Shikhar.

The first is a test! Test to see member agility, attentiveness & quick thinking “sounds like another appraisal meeting whispered Dev”.

It will be a game of Musical chair and the winner shall win the first power I have in my secret pouch. To cut a long chord short, after much tumbling, tugging and the weirdest of music played on the Bluetooth speaker, Simran WON... The lady had fought hard in the chair and the time had come to crown the lady with the first gift from the Super Power Santa:

FAMILY TIME !- You can spend a half day of your choice with your family! I think this is a most sentimental gift I have in my kitty... Say Hi to the kids and Hello to your spouse! The members were quite dumbfounded. It was the first time in their life they witnessed an organization gifting a “Family Time” to its members.

The claps and the laughter now could be heard from the street!

Okay, Its time to make the women on the floor blind! Declared Santa.

The Game is a simple one, to draw a Santa on a white Board with a marker all blindfolded, the best drawing will win the next power.

"Girls have a terrible drawing sense :P"- let’s bust the myth!

What followed was a laughter circus that made our stomach hurt, unbelievable faces with wacky figure saw Santa grumbling and the floor going bonkers (see pics), the myth stayed even after the floor members tried their best to guide the muffler bound ladies to draw with their voices. The new member Mitanshi won the next super power gift:

TUMMY DELIGHT! What it means is that she would get a meal voucher of her choice any day. “This Christmas is so special for me because Santa blessed me with a SUPER POWER - "Tummy Delight". Thank You Santa ” – says Mitanshi

The game was over and time for the toughest of the task DANCE!

The best dancer would win another of the two prizes and the inanimate marble floor just came alive. Talent is a unique thing it stays hidden till it find the right window to burst out, The dance numbers saw Seema and Shubham jiving like no other, they flowed with the music and tapped their feet and danced away like no care at all.

They won Hit the Theatre & Feel like a Manager! One would get tickets to a movie and another would get three days to spend like a Manager with his own cubicle and stuff.

Now, How cool is that?

"Some guys have good moves "- Santa

When SANTA surprised me with a SUPER POWER I really feel special. Thanks SANTA for SUPER POWER – says Shubham

I had never heard about these powers and I am very much excited. Thanks SANTA for giving me SUPER POWER – says Seema

A smart Santa was adamant that the Hit The theatre has a rider, Santa will have to accompany to watch over!! Free riders are found everywhere.

"Thanks for such a warm welcome, however, it was my day to give you presents and powers, but after seeing your zeal for Christmas, I felt so special"

 "When I entered the Tacteam floor with jingle bell song, playing it was like a Rockstar entry" Everyone participated in the games and activities without knowing that I will give power to them, I felt so happy to see the smile on the faces when the powers were given to them"- Santa Shikhar

 The last round of games was a match of quick wit and speech and Devanshu won a Strategic Lunch: A Food time with the CEO of Taction. And who knows what that butter chicken will bring to the table!!

"There were happy faces everywhere"

Time to say goodbye to Santa but not before he cut the cake with the Birthday Boys and Girls...”Involvement was super, Will love to come Taction AGAIN next year"- Santa’s last word, before he undressed

We barely caught with Santa fir a quick chit-chat:

Q: Santa how in the world did you come up with the idea to Gift such Fantastic Powers?

Santa: “Happiness and smile”- The HCM team had asked me to gift these powers to the members with this simple moto “contribute to the happiness of Taction People”

 I have never seen such huge and delicious burgers! The snack time was never ending with the Rolls, Noodles and the Cakes in abundance! Santa had his fill, "I am a foodie, so they offered me such amazing food".

 The celebrations were now coming to and end, with the spirit still high, but all the Carbs, making people feel sleepy. The pics were shared and new ones were clicked, the charge refused to die down till late in the evening.

 This is a story of a day when Taction celebrated a day with joy and created memories for a lifetime. Gifts and Powers that will linger in our minds and remind us that ”With great powers comes great responsibility”- Spiderman

 Merry Christmas to you!


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