Super Pastor...Empty Congregation!
John Alabi
I'm Your Emotional Intelligence & Practical Wisdom Coach {EIPWC} - Teaching You How to Live Life Skillfully, Circumstances Regardless.
Just this Saturday in my neighbourhood, a young lady shared with me a flyer of a denomination. I gazed, and herein I saw five (5) power packed services. I observed each service lasts for only one and a half hour long. I couldn’t but imagine what could be done within the time frame. Although, I know one could spend 24/7 in Church and be carnally minded – mindset matters! My curiosity however, where is the time for doctrinal teaching of the Bible? It’s a Pity; the Modern Churches have suspended Sunday school. Worst still, most so-called house fellowship and bible study are quotable quotes of the pastor nowadays. Pity!
Kudos to Teachers of the Word. Kudos to those in the teaching ministry. Kudos to denominations with functional and vibrant Sunday school and weekly Bible study. Bearing in mind we only have the largest turnout on Sundays, the ripple effects of this multiple services WITHOUT Sunday school amongst others are; the membership are denied privilege to learn and know the rudiments, basic and fundamental doctrines/teachings of the Word, denied the privilege to study, relate with and know the rise and pitfalls of bible heroes and heroines, membership are denied opportunity to interact with practical, life related burning questions and receive bible based answers, the people wane away from what the bible says to what the pastor says, teachers and associates are crippled and denied growth opportunities, and ultimately, it can only produce a strong hero but weak subjects. These multiple services/denominations VOID of Sunday school only produces super Pastor but empty congregation.
It is good Churches embrace technology, electronic media especially, but denominations where congregation just watches a super Pastor at the top and resident Pastor Accounts for collections only bother me. This can only produce a super Pastor…but empty congregation. As much as I know the brain behind all this is to cripple, or at least curtail the influence of the resident Pastor to prevent break-away and secure empire. This can only produce one super Pastor and empty congregation.
Please note. I am not against Mega churches or multiple services but as much as you can, smuggle in, incorporate and integrate Sunday school classes. I am not against you networking electronically, globally and worldwide to your entire congregation occasionally and where necessary, but empower your workforce, associates, and mentees and let them grow their influence too! Let them able to walk without using crutches. I so submit. Happy Sunday!