A Super New You and the Prospect of a Bright New Future
Have you ever felt as if life was somehow conspiring against you? You probably know the feeling. It’s the familiar experience where you take two paces forwards - and then three paces back. Have you ever wondered why you keep encountering obstacles when you’re trying so hard to make progress? It’s an intriguing question and the answer might just surprise you.
Let’s start by asking ourselves why we’re trying to get ahead in the first place.
In most cases, it’s really about the quest for success - and success usually translates into some form of improved financial status. More money is generally associated with a higher standard of living and the ability to buy the goods that reflect this higher social status. We’re encouraged to consume and to acquire more and more money to feed the habit of consumption. As a goal, this is not the most satisfactory way of fulfilling our needs but it certainly feeds the needs of advertising, manufacturing and marketing companies.
When you look around you, it’s easy to see that we live in a world that’s obsessed with the trappings of success. Social media promotes individuals who enjoy displaying their wealth, fame and opulence to the world and these examples become the role models that many people aspire to copy. If you can offer a shortcut to the trappings of success, the world will surely beat a pathway to your door.
The struggle to excavate your true, authentic self from beneath the mountain of conditioning and ridiculous expectation is the epic struggle of your lifetime.
-??????Bryant McGill
And whilst we’re considering the drive to motivate more and more people to pursue the rewards of a successful career, we should also note that there’s a staggering amount of material in books and courses to teach you how to become successful. If that’s the case, we should ask ourselves why we aren’t surrounded by a growing population of highly successful individuals. The evidence points to the fact that there are fewer new start-ups and fewer successful entrepreneurs today than there were even twenty-five years ago.
We could identify various economic and social factors that have impacted on the numbers but there’s a deeper issue here that’s definitely worth our attention.
If we’re being encouraged to follow the examples of highly-successful individuals, why doesn’t their level of success show up in our own attempts at creating outstanding achievements?
The problem might obviously be connected to what we’re doing every day but our struggles might also be connected to who we are being.
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
-??????Carl Jung
Now, that’s an odd choice of phrase because we’ve been encouraged to believe for a long time that our personalities are a fixed commodity that cannot be significantly altered. There’s a huge body of material that supports this unfortunate view. We could list everything from dubious ‘psychological’ profiling to the dictates of our horoscope but the underlying belief creates the impression that our personalities are mysteriously set in concrete and don’t permit the luxury of change or improvement. This is a false assertion that we need to banish from our understanding of how the human personality functions.
The simple fact is that we really can make significant changes to our behaviour, our thoughts, our feelings and our attitudes. We can re-engineer our personalities in order to become the kind of individual who can create and enjoy success in all levels of our experience.
If that means more money, then we need to become the kind of person who’s comfortable with financial success. If your parents struggled financially and laid down the expectation that life was a constant, unfair battle that you could never hope to win, then it’s clear that you might harbour some resistance surrounding the probability of creating any kind of material success for yourself.
If you experienced conflict and disruption in your family constellation during childhood, you might’ve developed an instinctive belief that happy, supportive relationships are simply not possible. And the tragedy is that this belief can persist. The effects can be so pronounced that you’ll endeavour to ensure that you never experience a lasting satisfactory relationship throughout your entire life. Unless, of course, you become aware that you’re fully capable of changing this unhealthy belief and that you can become someone who is fully open to a warm and loving connection with others. Imagine how different life would be when you choose to become available to happiness.
So, the question that arises from this discussion is simple enough: who do you have to become in order to fulfil your goals, your needs and your ambitions?
Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.
There are always plenty of clues that will help you to understand exactly where you might need to make some changes. Just take a look at where you are right now. Consider the main areas of your life and ask yourself whether they’re working well – or not. It might be helpful to note that superficial adjustments rarely deliver worthwhile results. If the problems are an extension of your attitudes, beliefs and behaviours – in other words an extension of how you express your personality – then these are the areas where you can create the most significant changes.
Who you are being is going to have the most profound impact on the quality of your life and the results you set out to achieve. It’s an insight that’s as relevant to your career objectives as it is to your personal life.
That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So, to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty and the inevitability of something.
-??????Meredith Monk
Let’s celebrate the fact that who we are is not fixed. Let’s renew our commitment to discovering what we’re really capable of achieving, both for ourselves as well as for others. Let’s summon the courage to become who we really need to be in order to express our gifts, our talents and our potential. Life is simply too precious to be wasted on being someone who does not live up to our hopes and dreams and aspirations.
Are you ready right now for a completely fresh approach to life’s great adventure? Get in touch with us today for a free session to discover how the growing global movement for personal growth, success, change and empowerment can enhance your life!
Greg Parry created The Wellness Foundation and the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential.
If you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, feel free to get in touch.
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·?????The Keys to Better Relationships
·?????Freeing Yourself from the Myths of Love
·?????Super-Charging Your Libido
·?????Exploring the Secret Formula for a Much Happier Life
·?????Building a Stronger Emotional Base
·?????Discovering the Pathway to Inner Peace and Calm
·?????Making Your Life Complete
The Book of Love
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