When Superman took off his Superman outfit who was he?
When I ask audiences this question most people say Clark Kent but the answer is, he was still Superman. It didn’t matter what clothes he was wearing. He was still Superman on the inside. His strength came not from the uniform he wore but from the power within.
The same goes for you and me.
Your power does not come from your job, uniform, career, status, circumstance, fame or label people give you. Your power comes from your heart, soul, spirit, passion and love that exists inside you and you are more powerful than you think.
You are not just human. You are super human.
If you don’t feel powerful it’s because you have come to believe the illusion and lie that outside circumstances have power over you. You have forgotten the truth that you create your world from the inside-out.
You don't realize the power you possess. It’s as if you have been given the power of superman or wonder woman but are living the life of Clark Kent or Diana Prince instead.
But deep down you know the truth. It’s why these words resonate with you. It’s why so many love super hero movies. You know you were made for more and there is more within you.
You have been given super human power and you are meant to use it. Not just to create your life but also to help others.
Like all super heroes you have been given the greatest power in the universe. The power to make a difference in the life of another human being. You were made with a super power to empower others.
You don't need a special suit, a title or a super hero name. You just need to tap into the love, spirit, passion, soul and purpose inside you to create your life and a better world today.
No cape required!
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