If you take a stray animal out of the wild and feed and love it as a baby you can't expect it to take care of itself if you throw it back into the wilderness. One of the red flags that stood out for me in 2021 was when Dr. Richard Geist said, "I don't know how my patients are going to survive when I retire" It took a very long time to realize how he destroyed my life by love-bombing me in the first two years of therapy. In fact, I told him that I was worried that exactly that would happen because of his "rescue hero fantasies" and my "damsel in distress fantasy" needing someone to take of me. We fit like hand in glove. But it was the OJ glove we were both wearing!
A patient needs consistency. You can't expect to start out giving a patient 5 PLUS hours a week in person for FREE, phone calls any hour of the day and night on your cell and emails then tell a person that it is all too much!!! The therapist always sets the groundwork. I laid in his lap, and on the floor with him. I even got totally naked for him. We had what you call a codependent relationship. He was the enabler. I fed his ego. I never realized then, when he was giving me everything that he was narcissistic. He was the sweetest and kindest person I ever knew. I fell madly in love with him. I felt "SPECIAL" Be very weary when a psychologist makes you feel special. This is the biggest red flag. Later on, I found out that I wasn't "the only one" and that he called another patient EVERY NIGHT before she went to bed!!!
His omnipotent ways started eroding his marriage. His wife complained. And then he abruptly stopped. No more phone calls or emails or touching/sitting in his lap. He dwindled my therapy time as well, now telling me that he could no longer give me free therapy. But when I asked him originally how long he would be able to keep this up he said, "as long as you want it" He was also irritated and resentful that I wanted so much of him. I started turning to alcohol for the very first time in my life. Another psychologist said that he was like a drug and when he withdrew from me, I turned to another drug - alcohol.
It's just like the analogy I used about taking care of the wild baby animal. You can't throw them back into the wilderness just because you are bored with them, or they become too much on you. I leave you with this great quote:?"If you give a hungry man a fish, he will be fed for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will be fed for a lifetime."