Super Convergence: Trillion Dollar Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-AI-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity? #FinTech #InsurTech #AI #AR #VR #3DPrinting

Super Convergence: Trillion Dollar Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-AI-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity? #FinTech #InsurTech #AI #AR #VR #3DPrinting

“It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be… This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on a science fictional way of thinking…” thus wrote Isaac Asimov, who invented the three laws of robotics.

Asymmetric Opportunities and Risks

Information and communication technologies – of all kinds – have doubled their power measured in terms of price performance, capacity and bandwidth almost every year. Given the fast approaching end of silicon scaling and the arrival of Quantum Technologies 2.0 or QT2, expect this doubling to become a quadrupling, a ten fold increase and even a hundred fold increase, year in year out as trillion dollar new industries are born.

In parallel, as central banks in the United States and United Kingdom on the one hand and Switzerland, Scandinavia, Eurozone and Japan on the the other take us ever deeper into ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) and NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy) territory respectively, the acceleration towards the Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) technologies driven Singularity comes ever closer.

Traditional financial institutions based capitalism as we know it is now over. Going forwards, most financial dinosaurs, including most large banks, will no longer be able to make a return on borrowing short and lending long as sufficient margins no longer exist to maintain human resources in tens of thousands and to provide a return to stakeholders, whilst being encumbered with legacy computing systems.

As ZIRP- and NIRP- centric central banks, guided by the yield curves of bond markets, propel human societies from gold backed to fiat paper currency and from paper to a cashless nano-chip money-in-the-cloud transactional world, key question that one may prudently seek to address is as follows:

"How to create post-Quantum-computing resistant cryptographic solutions that benefit from the accelerating paradigm shift and convergence towards Blockchain, Robot, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Nanotech smart chips and implants?"

As a result, we are going to witness hitherto unseen accelerating trends of exponential growth in the Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) technologies unfolding all around us. Just as soon as we have grasped the relevance of some new Q-BRAIN innovation, we are going to be challenged by yet more extraordinary discoveries and inventions that completely overwhelm our expectations and understanding. The paradigm shifts, taken together, present asymmetric opportunities for unparalleled growth as well as rising asymmetric risks for humankind’s globalised infrastructure, its sustainability and longevity.

This phenomenon of constant acceleration in new technologies may be referred to as the Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity.

Super Convergence of The Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity

The rise of the Q-BRAIN Singularity suggests that technological progress is reaching such an extremely high, near infinite, value at a point in the very near future that it will be impossible to predict what happens next based on extrapolations of past experience. In fact, that experience may be an obstacle to grasping the paradigm shift, which is forcing a multi-generational change. A Singularity is a point at which an otherwise continuous mathematical progression becomes infinite, implying that all continuous extrapolation breaks down beyond that point.

Known and Unknown Unknowns Multiply

Dramatic changes in the rate of world economic growth have occurred in the past because of technological advancement. Based on population growth, the global economy doubled every 250,000 years from the Palaeolithic era until the Neolithic Revolution. This new agricultural economy began to double every 900 years, a significant increase. In the current era, beginning with the Industrial Revolution, the world’s economic output has doubled as an average, every fifteen years, sixty times faster than during the agricultural era. As the rise of the Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity causes a similar revolution one could expect economic output to double much faster with the requirement for remarkably little human labour or intervention, and this may challenge our assumptions for future global economic growth and stability. It may not be business as usual because the resources of the planet to sustain humanity are finite yet human imagination is infinite.

Reverse Engineering The Human Brain

The human capacity for information processing is limited, yet there is an accelerating change in the development and deployment of new technology. This relentless wave upon wave of new information and technology causes an overload on the human mind by eventually flooding it. The resulting acopia – inability to cope – has to be solved by the use of ever more sophisticated information intelligence which reverse engineers the human brain. Extrapolating these capabilities suggests the near-term emergence and visibility of self-improving neural networks, sophisticated artificial intelligence, quantum algorithms, quantum computing and super-intelligence. This metamorphosis towards Q-BRAIN is so much beyond present human capabilities that it becomes impossible to understand it with the pre-conceptions and conditioning of the present mindset, societal make-up and existing technology.

Thinking In New Ways

At some point in the not too distant future, non-biological intelligence will combine the subtlety and pattern recognition strength of human intelligence, with the speed, memory, and knowledge sharing of machine intelligence. This new generation of human-like and transhuman machines capable of performing mental and physical tasks as capably as humans and better are likely to cause a rise in wages for a few extraordinary jobs at which humans can still outperform machines. However, a proliferation of Q-BRAIN human-like machines is likely to cause a net drop in ordinary wages for less skilled jobs, as humans compete with robots and soft-bots for those jobs. Also, the wealth of the technological singularity may be concentrated in the hands of a few who own the means of mass producing the intelligent robot and soft-bot workforce. The Quantum-Bio-Info-Nano Singularity is a transcendence to a wholly new regime of mind, society and technology, in which we have to learn to think in a new way in order to survive as a species. Why? Non-biological intelligence will continue to evolve exponentially whereas biological intelligence is effectively limited and fixed in terms of physical boundary conditions unless it begins to explore further its connectivity with the infinite. The source of infinite imagination is the interwoven connection between spirituality, humanity and science.

Intelligence Explosion

I J Good, in 1965, first wrote of an “intelligence explosion”, suggesting that if machines could even slightly surpass human intellect, they could improve their own designs in ways unforeseen by their designers, and thus recursively augment themselves into far greater intelligences. The first such improvements might be small, but as the machines become more intelligent they would self-innovate, which could lead to a cascade of self-improvements and a sudden surge towards super-intelligence. This could now happen via the Q-BRAIN Singularity.

Modelling The Future

Vernor Vinge, in 1982, proposed that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence represented a breakdown in humans’ ability to model their future. The argument was that authors cannot write realistic characters who are smarter than humans. If humans could visualise smarter-than-human intelligence, we would be that smart ourselves. Vinge named this event “the Singularity”. He compared it to the breakdown of the prevalent model of physics when it was used to model the gravitational Singularity beyond the event horizon of a black hole.

Sudden Growth

Ray Kurzweil, in 1999, generalised the Singularity to apply it to the sudden growth of any technology – in a similar way to the Q-BRAIN Singularity Super Convergence – not just intelligence. He argued that Singularity is inevitably implied by a long-term pattern of accelerating change that generalises Moore’s law to technologies predating the integrated circuit, and includes material technology especially as applied to nanotech, medical technology and other disciplines. Given Q-BRAIN we will go beyond Moore’s Law shortly and changes will accelerate even further in their pace.


Aubrey de Grey, in 2000, applied the term “Methuselarity” to the point at which medical technology improves so fast that expected human lifespan increases by more than one year per year. Q-BRAIN Singularity will play a major role in methuselarity.

Quantum Jumps in Economic Growth

Robin Hanson, in 2008, taking the term “Singularity” as opposed to “Paradigm Shift” to refer to sharp increases in the exponent of economic growth, lists the agricultural and industrial revolutions as past singularities. Although, his use of the term Singularity may be disputed. Extrapolating from such past events, Hanson suggests that the next economic Singularity should increase economic growth between 60 and 250 times. He conveniently ignores the resource constraints. Innovations, manifest as a result of the Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artifical-Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Singularity’s approach, that allow for the replacement of virtually all human labour and material resources, could supposedly trigger such an event.

Redundancy & Irrelevance

The key question: What is globalised human society going to do with the mass of under-employed or unemployed human beings that are rendered irrelevant or redundant by the fast approaching Super Convergence of the Quantum-Bio-Info-Nano Singularity?


Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) Capital Accelerator seeks to harness the power of the emerging and nascent technologies that are giving birth to a smart, alternative, intelligent, transparent and robust environments by targeting those systemic applications that are providing the building blocks for the new financial and insurance technology (FinTech & InsurTech) revolution in banking, broking, asset trading, insurance and reinsurance. We continue to strive to understand and to facilitate the ethical research, development and deployment of exponentially advancing Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) technologies for the benefit of the environment and humankind. We seek to work together to apply, to focus and to guide these neo-renaissance Q-BRAIN tools to address humanity’s collective grand challenges in the 21st century. Much remains to be done to communicate the critical ethics, risks, effects and potential benefits of Quantum-Blockchain-Robot-Artificial Intelligence-Nano (Q-BRAIN) technologies to the world at large. Promoting Q-BRAIN advances through the creation of new businesses, new research directions and new collaborations remains central to our vision via Quantum Innovation Labs and Q-BRAIN Capital Accelerator.


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Chris PaRDo

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4 年
Chris PaRDo

#://CNXT | $://THeXDesK | $://THeXCHaNGe #://CuRReNCyx | $://ANCHoRx | $://ASSeTx $://iSSueRx | #://BoNDx | $://CeNTRaLBaNx | $://BaNx | $://THeFeDWiRe | #://CoNTRax #://CNXTAi

7 年

John Brennen

Robert McNally

Director of Legal Indemnities

8 年

Given that a significant proportion of UK Government tax income derives from income tax paid by the employed working population rather than from corporation tax charged on profits earned by business, the key question: is how will government fund its activities in the light of mass under-employed or unemployed human beings not earning wages and not paying income tax?


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