The Super Blue Domain Polyshift IV (SBDP IV)

The Super Blue Domain Polyshift IV (SBDP IV)

“This is a preliminary manuscript”

Blue Paper

Author: William G. Birchard

Experimental & Theoretical Scientist

This paper encompasses the following: Please Read it all carefully to understand

Motion Technologies Related to Surveillance, Security, Identification, Motions Movements Patterns codes, Materials calibration, Magnetic Anomalies / Variances, How Andronics Super Blue (ASB) builds Explosive Detection Equipment; focusing on Techniques and Methods pertaining to Long Range above and below (deep) detection/Location methods, Electrical Electronic Flow /Super Blue Domain Poly-ShiftIV (SBDP)     

The main technology used is Pure Motion Movement (PMM) theories, the primary technologies utilized Testing and Identification, and Classification of most all Materials (118 elements, and any combination of them) in the form magnetic patterns and visualaztion data reconigtion calculations; by using the PMM merhods as a sub-method called the “Disturbing Energy Motion Fields & Differential Sequences?

This is a paper describes a new dimension of thinking and a completely new set of physical laws, and Mathematics that govern other dimensional laws. It is mainly about Motions Movements (Atom level Beads,ALB) related to many different scientific Cosmic Events (in and around the Planet Earth), it also describes how to identify the Signature Recognition Codes (SRC patterns), and classify them, creating a scientific table of the Motions Movements Magnetic Code (SRC patterns)( Classification), and Motion Ordered States of Atom level Beads; how they interact with the Motion Magnetic Properties of most materials (118 Elements) and other objects. This blue paper will show how to build, test, and evaluate equipment. This is a very practical paper; it also discusses some very advanced hypotheses, and quite obviously creating the above tables is as complex as the Periodic Table, and the Periodic is yet to be totally completed.    

This is not for the faint of heart when it comes to brainpower and what GOD has given us. If you are not a believer in Jesus you will miss a good portion of what I want to convey. This documentation requires an extreme level of focus; in many ways, this paper is very simple, but complex in many of fields one has to know, and it is not convoluted rhetoric. It covers many subjects, and specialties, in all scientific fields.

Note: My style of writing is me; please allow for a lot of liberty



Motions are the Key Factors, but only with the methods described in this paper”


“And other things”      7277770871FLUSNPRPAC Code number ? WGBIRCHARD 2020

First Preface

Something to contemplate, I would not disregard this writing because I talked about GOD! It has a lot of value for all, everybody

“Separation of Motion’s in the Universe”, Total writings, not in this paper

This is some of my thinking  WGB 10-10-2017 USA   America

The subject of “Separation of Motion’s in the Universe” is too much for this paper

But a glimpse into my deductions may help

The unknown energies (something’s) in Space and the Planet Earth

So what is this energy or matter that makes up space (all life, The Cosmos, the great expansion), creating matter (everything)? Going back in time some of the scientists call this Aether (quintessence), and of course, there was the Earth Gravity mixed in. We also think the “Big Bang Theory” created these energies, but for me, the question is, what are these energies that create that keep the Cosmos going (in constant Motion ever expanding) and what do they look like, and can we manipulate or use them “How were they made”? So I came up with a baseline, a set of theories of what they may look like and their properties most of my theories were formulated from the study of the Cosmos, Ancient Documents (Archaeological find), reading from the Bible (Concrete information from The “Word of God”, and Solomon), and equations developed by different scientists, engineers, philosophers.

Let me say this about reading the Bible, the “Word of God”. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ you read the Bible with God, and God gives you the knowledge and opens your thinking, mind, and heart, and gives you what you need. This is the only book that does that. Also, if you read any other book and ask God to show you what you are reading, he will, if you believe in Jesus and ask in faith. If you're not a believer, you will never get what you may be looking for or anything else, and may not get saved. “The technical information in the Bible is Abundant“.

As a scientist in the field of Motions Movements, Electromagnetic, Physics, and Planetology, it was necessary to do an in an in-depth study because my experiments were not following the standard set of physics laws, and seem to disprove other laws of the universe. I had way too many anomalies, so after many years of research, I developed the “Atom level Beads” (Neutrinos) hypotheses. I will attempt to describe them in this paper, this is key to understanding how and why my experiments and real devices I have built work.

                                                   “Important Information, in abstract form”

Contemplate this: “If humans beings are looking for something, and don’t use the right precise tools, they will never see it, and too often scientist (people) look in the wrong places, at the wrong times”, and using incorrect methods; the senses of the humans beings by them self’s can't-do this (eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose, perception, thoughts, General receptors, Special receptors ) because unless a human being has supernatural powers (from God) they have to use correct methods (possible different instruments) allowing them to comprehend (see below) that something. One has to tunnel into what I’m trying to explain and describe, but these are Key thoughts of how to develop devices (apparatuses) that work (seeing that something), and of course, theories that are obtainable in the world we live in (the Cosmos). Also realize certain Materials and the Combinations of different Elements blended together can also sense other things (something) like uncommon Materials, Elements, Crystals, and other supernatural things (neutrino); supernatural thinking that can make extraordinary inventions/mechanism that can do all of the above. Please read the Big book on “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics” understands this book. Of course, equipment has to be invented and built to accomplish all of the above, along with different natural elements. And we are still looking for other elements, and understanding how each of the 118 Elements can be used for many applications. This above paragraph is the basics and foundation of most of my theories and of course experiments. This is not easy to describe and make simple, but the new discovery of the neutrino and other things to come will make this truly a sci-fi Cosmos. These neutrinos and how I use magnetic energies allow human beings to capture the unknown energies and see through just about any matter and change the course of future events, possibly the previous Cosmos.


                                             We have to start somewhere

“Atomic-level Beads” theories: “Neutrinos”

I called Neutrinos “Atomic-level Beads” many years ago 1990 USA

Just now discovered 2018 “Ice Cube Project South Pole EARTH”

The neutrino and its friends

Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe. They are also one of the least understood.

Neutrinos are similar to the more familiar electron, with one crucial difference: neutrinos do not carry electric charge. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral, they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces which act on electrons. Neutrinos are affected only by a "weak" sub-atomic force of much shorter range than electromagnetism, and are therefore able to pass through great distances in matter without being affected by it. If neutrinos have mass, they also interact gravitationally with other massive particles, but gravity is by far the weakest of the four known forces.

See the Ref. in the back of the book for more information

Here we have what I call Motions Squares or Motions Cubes (Atomic level Beads), they make up everything, living and Non-living in the Expansion (Neutrino The scientist are not correct, as they say, a Weak Force, not so, they made the Cosmos/Universe, they have not yet identified them correctly yet. They are so small we can imagine (envision) them, or hardly think a contemplate them; in fact, they make up our thoughts. Of course, the following paragraphs are extremely and hard to explain let along understand.

The basic premise is splitting or separation these multiple Motions Squares, or Motions Cubes over an inverse (opposite direction) period of time. What this means is two or more Motions Cubes of Any kind, physical, supernatural, spiritual, brain fluids, complex Motions Cubes go in all random directions would need to be separated, and they can only be in a certain transitional states, Rise, Period, Fall, during a certain amount of elapsed time for each state, and based on the previous state, and Rate of Change (RofC )always denoting a Different of Potential (DofP) for each state that it was in(how long was the change over a mean value of the total transition period)(I have special equations), but the basic equation is the “Period of a Change and is relative to the Mass and Motion of that Time Period” (PofaC). Close to a trillion time more expansion of energy than any or all the Atom Bombs of explosions or splitting the Atom, the separation of Motions Cubes excites more energy (as we know energy) than any other form of energy we know about, of course, this has to be a Controlled Motions Cubes Separation. Not to discourage anyone or a scientific person, but Only GOD (Jesus) could have made and designed these Motions Cubes, they are the fabric of the Universe/Expansion, this happens because of the enormous amount of Mass, Motions Squares, and relational spacing (intervals) of all the stars (bodies in space) and their individual needs to maintain the Great Expansion (The Glue in the Heavens). This gets so complex it makes me rub my head in disbelieve that GOD would give me such a task to write or take on such an endeavor. If one would look at a number of stars in the expanse, in the relationship of Pure Motion Movements and try to write an equation that mathematically defines the related motions of all the Planets and the very minutes of motions on planet earth, well it is mind-boggling. By the way, this is not my thinking, but from GOD (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) no one or anything else, I never apologize for GOD or in any way discount or deny him. But GOD did ask me to do this, so I will, as a command from GOD. Actually, many other scientists in their writings have helped me to develop some of the thought processes; they are just too afraid to admit it. The Bible and the study of the Old Testament was a tremendous help to get started. So where to start? I try and answer this question in my other papers, and 3 other books, with formulas and proofs; I also use physical examples and practical theories and methods. I like to do experiments and demonstration. The basic premise is splitting or separation these multiple Motions Squares, or Motions Cubes over an inverse (opposite direction) period of time. What this means is two or more Motions Cubes of Any kind, physical, supernatural, spiritual, brain fluids, complex Motions Cubes go in in all random directions would need to be separated, and they can only be in a certain transitional states, Rise, Period, Fall, during a certain amount of elapsed time for each state, and based on the previous state, and rate of change (RofC) always denoting a Different of Potential (DofP) for each state that it was in( how long was the change over a mean value of the total transition period)(I have a special equations, but the basic equation is the “Period of a Change (PofaC) and is relative to the Mass and Motion of that Time Period” that resolves to a Displacement of Energy (DofE). Close to a trillion time more expansion of energy than any or all the Atom Bombs of explosions or splitting the Atom, the separation of Motions Cubes excites more energy (as we know energy) than any other form of energy we know about, of course, this has to be a Controlled Motions Cubes Separation. Not to discourage anyone or a scientific person, but Only GOD (Jesus) could have made (Design these Motions Cubes, they are the fabric of the Universe/Expansion) this happens because of the enormous amount of Mass (Astronomical Number), Motions Squares (Astronomical velocities), Relational Spacing (intervals) of all the stars (bodies in space), and their individual needs to maintain the Great Expansion (“The Glue in the Heavens”). But one of most key increments in the equation is the instants (split seconds) when two or more bodies (Bodies can be Solid, Gas, Water, Supernatural or Spiritual) are in a motion close (adjacent) to each other that form a Displacement of an Energy (DofaE) thereby releasing an enormous amount of Energy, for a very small input, in fact much greater than an Atomic Bomb, and can disable an Atomic Bomb. What is the upshot of these phenomena’s? “a massive gain for a very small motion” ( again in totally different types of matter). So what does this mean for the human race, “A spherical balls of any element the size smaller than a pinhead that would release enough energy to destroy or change the shape of a small planet? Because the split seconds motions of more than two bodies in opposing and divergent motions utilize the motions of the universe”. Of course, the methods of how to accomplish this and the equations are a well-guarded secret. The USA and scientist are working on this now, the main issue is how to as control this phenomenon. As a hint into the future is amplifying the Earths other Planets Motions Fields. Also, I base many of my theories, and inventions on what I just described, as of to date they all work.           

This gets so complex it makes me rub my head in disbelieve that GOD would give me such a task to write or take on such an endeavor. If one would look at a number of stars in the expanse, in the relationship of Pure Motion Movements and try to write an equation that mathematically defines the related motions of all the Planets and the very minutes of motions on planet earth, well it is mind-boggling. By the way, this is not my thinking, but from GOD (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) no one or anything else, I never apologize for GOD or in any way discount or deny him. But GOD did ask me to do this, so I will, as a command from GOD. Actually, many other scientists in their writings have helped me to develop some of the thought processes; they are just too afraid to admit it. The Bible and the study of the Old Testament was a tremendous help to get started. So where to start? I try and answer this question in my other papers, and 3 other books, with formulas and proofs; I also use physical examples and practical theories and methods. I like to do experiments and demonstration.   

We would first have to recognize that the Great Expansion is so big we still don’t know if there is an end to the Great Expansion, or not? We just don’t have that data. So we have to go with the data we have about the different Planets and Stars and try and extrapolate a type of reverse engineering and get all the data we can and formulate an approximation of the Great Expansion, and possibly assume no end and always expanding. “Look at the complexity of what I just said”? Is this possible? YES by the Grace of GOD

Aside Note: Planet multipliers

What is the great equation? An equation that uses all of the Planets, locations, all of its parameters to come up with a formula to solve how the expansions stay together. This formula will have many subformulas that can be used for other applications, Neutrinos may hold the key, the scientist says they are very low energies and of course hard to detect. But what they don’t realize they make the Earth and of course the cosmos, they say they come from the Sun, but possible the Sun is just a pass thru, a planet multiplier for Neutrinos. Planet multipliers have not been found yet, as we have many Planet multipliers that feed other universe and is only a relay point.

                                   Second Preface

In order to explain the theories and experiments that we use to develop the XE-118-Materials Detector and other new technologies (wireless power, Extremely Large gains for a Small input ), I need to give some background about the earth’s magnetic atmosphere, and the geomagnetic field inside the Earth. I reference, books, articles, websites, and a few papers [cited at the end of this document]. We will then start to get into the theories of Pure Motion Movement (PMM). In a nutshell, we partially use the magnetic fields of the Earth to help locate, identify and transport the signals/data’s to and from the targets. The theories are very complex, and without a good background in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science (bodies in motions in an instant of time changing states)it may be hard to grasp these concepts, and this is only a few one of many disciplines a person needs to be familiar with. So let’s start with the geomagnetic field inside the Earth and how they create magnetic motions, basically from what they now call Neutrinos, in fact, Neutrino create the magnetic field we live in.

The geomagnetic field inside the Earth

“Need to read this section to understand my theories

And get a better grasp of the technologies”

If they found the Neutrinos, and they did (US Scientist) they the Neutrinos do in fact create the geomagnetic field they are talking about. But the names will change, basically their theories are correct it just needs a little tweaking. The Neutrinos created the geomagnetic field and the core materials, as I said they are close just a little modification on the methods and needs real equipment to see the geomagnetic field (neutrino) and how to use them.  

Please read on:

At the heart of our planet lies a solid iron ball, about as hot as the surface of the sun. Researchers call it "the inner core." It's really the world within a world. The inner core is 70% as wide as the moon. It spins at its own rate, as much as 0.20 of longitude per year faster than the Earth above it, and it has its own ocean: a very deep layer of liquid iron known as "the outer core."

Right: a schematic diagram of Earth's interior. The outer core is the source of the geomagnetic field. [Larger image]

Earth's magnetic field comes from this ocean of iron, which is an electrically conducting fluid in constant motion. Sitting atop the hot inner core, the liquid outer core seethes and roils like water in a pan on a hot stove. The outer core also has "hurricanes"--whirlpools powered by the Coriolis forces of Earth's rotation. These complex motions generate our planet's magnetism through a process called the dynamo effect.

Using the equations of magnetohydrodynamics, a branch of physics dealing with conducting fluids and magnetic fields, Glatzmaier, and colleague Paul Roberts have created a supercomputer model of Earth's interior. Their software heats the inner core, stirs the metallic ocean above it, then calculates the resulting magnetic field. They run their code for hundreds of thousands of simulated years and watch what happens.

What they see mimics the real Earth: The magnetic field waxes and wanes, poles drift and, occasionally, flip. Change is normal, they've learned. And no wonder. The source of the field, the outer core, is itself seething, swirling, turbulent. "It's chaotic down there", notes Glatzmaier. The changes we detect on our planet's surface are a sign of that inner chaos.

Date 10 May 2016       SWARM ESA

With more than two years of measurements by ESA’s Swarm satellite trio, changes in the strength of Earth's magnetic field are being mapped in detail.

Launched at the end of 2013, Swarm is measuring and untangling the different magnetic signals from Earth’s core, mantle, crust, oceans, ionosphere, and magnetosphere – an undertaking that will take several years to complete.

Although invisible, the magnetic field and electric currents in and around Earth generate complex forces that have immeasurable effects on our everyday lives.


Latest map of the lithospheric magnetic field by Swarm shows detailed variations in this field more precisely than previous satellite-based reconstructions, caused by geological structures in Earth’s crust. One of these anomalies occurs in the Central African Republic, centered on the city of Bangui, where the magnetic field is significantly sharper and stronger. The cause for this anomaly is still unknown, but some scientists speculate that it may be the result of a meteorite impact more than 540 million years ago. Credit: ESA/DTU Space/DLR

ESA's Swarm satellites are seeing fine details in one of the most difficult layers of Earth's magnetic field to unpick – as well as our planet's magnetic history imprinted on Earth's crust.

Earth's magnetic field can be thought of as a huge cocoon, protecting us from cosmic radiation and charged particles that bombard our planet in the solar wind. Without it, life as we know it would not exist.

Most of the field is generated at depths greater than 3000 km (1864.11358 Miles)(The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 kilometers)) by the movement of molten iron in the outer core. The remaining 6% is partly due to electrical currents in space surrounding Earth, and partly due to magnetized rocks in the upper lithosphere – the rigid outer part of Earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

Although this 'lithospheric magnetic field' is very weak and therefore difficult to detect from space, the Swarm trio is able to map its magnetic signals. After three years of collecting data, the highest resolution map of this field from space to date has been released.

"By combining Swarm measurements with historical data from the German CHAMP satellite, and using a new modeling technique, it was possible to extract the tiny magnetic signals of crustal magnetization," explained Nils Olsen from the Technical University of Denmark, one of the scientists behind the new map.

Ref. below


“The Detectors”

Andronics Super Blue (ASB) has designed and built a device named the (XE-118-Detector, AGU-900-D) or the (Reverse Flow Magnetic Sensor) that locates the target materials, by sensing, and recognizing the disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic fields, and identifying any of the 118 elements in and near the target (or any matter/combinations). The Passive XE-118-Detector does not emit any signals or magnetic energies. How does it work? This is like having a very large Object Motion Magnetic Device (Object Vacuum) that attracts all types of Materials Patterns Magnetics, Chemicals, Liquide, Gases, Combinations, Signatures Patterns so we can determine and verified what it is ( everything has Signatures Patterns), this also relates to what is deep in the earth (penetration reflections of materials) and also elements in the atmosphere. Basically the XE-118-Detector determines and detects what is disturbing the magnetic energies of the Earth as they travel through the Earth and to outer space; as the magnetic energies/fields propagate (tunneling a pathway) they are obstructed by the different types of materials (Solid, Liquid, Gases), that could be the target material, or any other different materials / objects that do not match the surrounding materials /earth (a different of Potential or materials out of place). The XE-118-Detector is a very powerful Object Magnetic Vacuum (OMV) or a magnetic suction device, it is almost impossible to defeat, or thwart when searching for specified target materials. This technology goes way be on "Ground Penetrating Radar", or other technologies, it can actually provide a detailed picture of the target materials (No Camera needed) and surrounding areas. It is also long-range technologies, and not affected by large rock masses (building, earth formations), using the magnetic carrier fields of the Earth (creating a magnetic tunnel). We also use Magnetic Slicing Software, developing Signature Recognition Codes (SRC) that is sent to a computer, the SRC codes use a Resonates frequency Detection method. The technique is the real heart of how this is accomplished, the basic hardware and how they work together. As stated by SWARM the earth fields are very week, but they managed to sense magnetic fields current from outer space, our Detectors are very close to the surface of the earth and thereby looking at all the magnetic energies coming from the center of the earth. The detector we build can actually physically see the magnetic signals and determine what and how different rates of flow are and what they are encountering as the magnetic energies exit the surface of the earth. Astronomical amounts of data went into the design of the detector, and of course years of work.  

Overview of this paper

Side   Note: The reason many engineers and scientist, and companies have not developed a material detector that works is because they are looking at the wrong Elements/ Materials, and lack of thereof. For example: Look for what explosive materials affect and how they change the chemical composition of the elements/materials interrelations, and how the explosive material displaces the nearness proximity (in Time, and position) of the containers/objects that house the explosives materials. “These explosive materials also change the atmosphere; this is how animals smell the explosives”. With the discovery of “Neutrinos” this proves what I’m saying, and I have built these instruments to detect Neutrinos and the very weak magnetic fields by using a type of Planet Multipliers, Some Planets only multiply other pass-thru Neutrinos, give that some thought. The key is to Not send any energies (signals, pulses) out but to pull in the existing energies in the weak fields.  

This paper is about how to design and manufacture detection equipment that locates and identifies different materials (all of the 118 elements, combinations) at short/long distant, above ground, and below ground utilizing the patented processes invented by William G. Birchard. We have several patents applied for. We also introduce a number of advanced theories that are needed to understand how and why these detection systems work. William Birchard has many solutions (inventions) for solving long-range detection problems and identifying most of the known materials on the planet earth. This also includes any of the 118 elements and any combinations thereof. This applies to solids, liquids, or gasses. We also cover and reveal a number of delivery systems used for long-range detection. A delivery system means a method (hardware and software equipment, and others) of transporting through the atmosphere (wireless) data/energies from the targets and identifying any or all of the 118 elements. This applies to above, below, and deep sea detection of the earth. There are many methods and types of equipment that can be applied.

We will first start off with some basics, and move to the Calibrator “The Box” we use the calibrate (The BOX) to obtain the Signature Recognition Codes (SRC) codes, the SRC codes are the different patterns (natural frequencies/vibrations) of the 118 elements, all materials (118 elements) have a natural set of patterns and attributes, we acquire these patterns and codes and load them into an SRC database that is located in the detection equipment (i.e..XE-118-Detector). The SRC codes are the most important part of the overall scheme, without an SRC database to compare target materials too we have no way of discriminating different types materials; this is the foundation of the technologies. We then load different patterns/codes (i.e. gold, gunpowder, drugs) into the detector unit, depending on their applications. We have many areas that will be covered related to Detection, Separation of Magnetic Energies, the Power of Energy Fields (Magnetic Drives), and Activation and Deactivation of Materials. This Technology can be used in many applications.

1.   Passive Barrel (PBU)  receive only

2.   Active / Passive Unit  (XE-118-Detector-A/B, AGU-900-D) send and receive            

3.   ASB Panel (Matt)  (ASB-MATT-01) send and/or receive

4.   “The Box”, SRC codes calibrator apparatus

5.   Delivery Systems (Ground Transport, Drones)  

6.   Separation of Motions, Total Writing Not in this paper WGB 01132017NPRFLUSA * 

7.   Disturbance Hardware / Software RofC, DofP, SofC

8.   Propulsion/ Momentum Systems in-solar system travel “Motion Thrust Drive (MTD)” *

9.  Manufacturing a Body Detector Protector with Advanced Radar built-in *

10. Advanced Materials that change states and reforms back to its original State, Shape-Changing Morphing for Motion systems *

11. Laser Mag-Camera a new long-range Video Detection Camera

12. Activation and Deactivation of Materials (Detonation and Deactivating Elements /Materials)

I will first present the basic theories so the reader will understand how some of the detectors interworkings. I will explain how each type of Detector works, Passive, Active, ASB-MATT (Panel), and Delivery Systems (* possibly in another writing). This way the reader will have a better understanding of the inner workings. To reiterate I will take each type of Detector Product and describing in detail how and why it works (a lot of info on how it is built), and the Alternative Delivery System. I will also try and include theories and technologies that are applied. But first, let’s review some basics.


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