"SuparSchool"? Introducing 'SuparQuiz'? to test your #IQ Ability and your Mettle in Quizzing!

"SuparSchool" Introducing 'SuparQuiz' to test your #IQ Ability and your Mettle in Quizzing!

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Introducing SuparQuiz to test your IQ Ability and your Mettle in Quizzing!

A Wonderful opportunity to win Rs. 500 Worth Course and other tips absolutely free from Sudheer Sandra- (Psychologist, Career Counselor & Behavioral Skills Coach.)


1. Choose the correct option and post your answer in comments.

2. Challenge at least 2 friends for the Quiz challenge by Tagging them in comments below

3. Share the Post in your Story and Tag @Suparschool

3 Winners shall be chosen on a random basis #Contest Alert

Everyday 3 lucky winners will be chosen on a random basis.

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So stay tuned! And Dont miss out on this chance to win just by answering a few simple IQ and General Questions of the Quiz !!!

Brought to you by @suparschool - A Digital Gurukul - By Sudheer Sandra

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#quiz #braingames #brainteaser #trivia #olympiad #exam #fact #knowledge #knowledges #riddle #doyouknow #currentaffairs #generalknowledge #generalawareness #generalknowledgeindia #learningapp #currentaffairsquiz #gkquiz #quizzes #speedquizzing #quizz #quizlet #quizshow #reasoningquiz #quizes #sudheersandra #suparschool@suparsc


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