Sunstar Headquarters, Etoy, Switzerland by Alhadeff Architects

Sunstar Headquarters, Etoy, Switzerland by Alhadeff Architects

How can corporate offices be made energy efficient, functional and visually interesting?

Let’s explore this in our this week’s Project i.e Sunstar Headquarters, Etoy, Switzerland.

Sunstar Headquarters, is a building known for its energy efficient design approach that is reflected in its architecture as well as fa?ade design and treatment.

Designed by Alhadeff Architects, this three story building with a central sky-lite courtyard was completed in 2015. The design of the building is based on the company’s philosophy of precision and healthy lifestyle, hence it embodies the characteristics of high environmental quality and energy conservation.

The design of the fa?ade has been deeply inspired by Peter Struycken’s work. Therefore, we see a continuous rhythm of opaque and transparent parts in all the elevations, which variate in composition depending on the orientation of the building.

This with the composition of the materials (Concrete Panels, Wooden louvers and Glass) used in the elevation contribute in the energy efficiency of the building, giving it ample room to welcome the desired sunlight in the inside. Where as the wooden louvers on the south side block off the unwanted natural light.

Further more, the central courtyard along with placement of windows, helps in keeping the building naturally ventilated.

Also, The horizontal slabs are treated such that they support a raised access floor (30 cm in height). This void is used as a plenum for air distribution and the distribution of the electrical and sprinkler system

Sketches explaining the Natural Ventilation and Light flow through out the Building
Sketch explaining how the outside cool air is circulated through the central courtyard

The construction technology of the fa?ade is a layering of precast wooden panels, high insulation and ventilated Grc slabs.

A high level product finds its corporate home in a design that accords good health to its corporate culture as well as its ultimate customer.

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Content and Photography: ArchDaily, Rethinking Future, Sdarch it, Archilovers.


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