With Sunrise Possibilities Arise - a Look at the Thoughts That Run Your Business and Life
A lot of things in life revert back to being able to recognize them for what they are, as well as flexibility.
Sometimes people enjoy an internship or temporary employment at a place, but know that really, for the long run they want something slightly different. They still get overjoyed being offered a permanent position and decide that they will take it, only to realize that the frustrations they didn't care about as it was "temporary" now start to really annoy them. The excitement of it being a new thing with a learning curve is gone, as is the learning curve. Suddenly they are miserable.
On the flip side of the coin some people have an internship or temporary employment at a place they truly love. They do everything in their power to stay on. However, the company chooses not to keep them on. Now this person suffers disappointment and is feeling "like a failure" when going out there to find a similar job.
People then go onto making up that something is bad. Getting the wrong permanent position is bad. Not getting the right permanent position is bad. In reality both could be used as a launchpad to something truly great. To see beyond emotions such as regret, boredom, frustration, a sense of failure and so on isn't always easy, but if you step into your core and allow yourself to be, it's possible. And from there you can go onto creating something else. Something you'd truly love.
People have a thing for permanency, but nothing in life is permanent. Which is where flexibility comes in; the ability to find opportunity when things change (as opposed to dreaming of the good old days when you were making a million dollars a day).
When life is constantly changing, to be happy you have to flow with it and enjoy what is currently on your plate. It won't stop you from having dreams. It won't stop you from experiencing a sense of regret, boredom, frustration, or failure, but you can see those emotions as warning bells and step beyond them, as opposed to getting caught up in them. The same goes for excitement - when people get over excited they rarely see things for what they are. It's as if they are drunk on emotion and they then go onto making the same mistakes a drunk person would; as if their vision was blurry. And in this state, again, they expect things to last forever and usually have a really hard come down when they realize they won't.
Just because something makes us feel good doesn't mean it is good. Likewise, just because something makes us feel bad, doesn't mean it is bad. For example, say that a well-known investor meets you at a party, is blown away by you and says s/he will invest in your company. You're walking on clouds. Until you receive the investment agreement, which is far from favorable. You'd lose creative control of the business and far too many shares, but there is so much money to be had and you could continue floating in the clouds telling everyone you're working with so and so... You could also negotiate, or go and find yourself an agreement that rings true to what you'd truly love for your business and grow a business you're proud of, as opposed to agreeing to build what will, essentially, become someone else's business.
Apply the same scenario to dating and you have some interesting things to ponder too. So many times people fall for a connection they have with someone, or the sheer charisma someone has, but they fail to recognize how the person is treating them. And because of the sensation they had of walking on clouds for a week or two, they hang onto the person for dear life. The person made them happy, but isn't anymore, yet they hold onto what was, hoping it will magically reappear. At the same time they fail to realize they have the power to either change the current relationship or go onto creating something better with someone else. (This is very similar to how some people feel about working for a certain company or person they much admire.)
People also make up all sorts of things to be true due to circumstance surrounding it. Because they met someone at their favorite place in the world, just as the clock stroke twelve and fireworks went off, it means that this person is a divine gift from God and they truly should be with them. Even if they behave like an asshole ('scuze the French).
Every day is a new opportunity to see your life and business with a clear heart. I say heart as the mind has a tendency to rationalize a whole load of irrational things and make up things to be good, or bad. Once you step away from your pre-conceived ideas and thoughts that fuel incredible emotions, you start seeing things for what they are. What they truly are. And as you do, life and, indeed business, take on a whole new meaning.
So when you feel something, ask yourself if your feeling is based on myth, or reality.
By Maria Montgomery