Sundram Fasteners Wins EV Contract Of $250 Million, Expectations From The Upcoming Budget for EV Ecosystem in India And Much More...
Sundram Fasteners Limited (SF), a Chennai-based company, announced it had won the largest #ev contract in its 60-year history. The contract was for $250 million from a global #automanufacturer to supply sub-assemblies of its #electricvehicle platform.To support new orders, it will invest Rs 200 crore under the six-year-long purchase plan that includes the supply of input and stator shaft sub-assemblies as well as drive gear sub-assemblies.The parts will be shipped from the company’s #powertrain divisions in Mahindra World City, Chennai, and Sri City, Tirupati district.?
Quench EV Chargers today announced the appointment of Bjoern Stoll, President & CEO at Digatron Power Electronics, Inc America as Head of Quench (Americas).The company’s #ultrafastchargers which were designed in India and are manufactured at its plant in Pune will now also be manufactured at the group’s American manufacturing facility located at Shelton, Connecticut from later this year.?Ranging in capacities from 30KW to 60KW/ 120KW/ 180KW /240KW and 360KW, Quench chargers are available in CCS1, CCS2, and ChaDeMo protocols.
Statiq , an #evcharging solution provider, announced plans to install 20,000 #chargingstations in the country during FY23.?Statiq claims that the company has more than 7,000 charging stations in the country, including captive and semi-public ones.Statiq reports that over 1,000 charging stations have fast-charging technology. They are strategically located at strategic locations like highways, airports, malls, and residential and commercial complexes as well as hotels and office buildings.
What the #indian #evecosystem wants now Is an “Integrated and Inclusive Approach for Green Mobility”. The industry realizes that incentives either demand or supply are not sustainable in the long run and it’s always the integrated and inclusive approach that takes it forward.While the market overall gains traction, acceptability; the affordability at least among passenger #electricvehicles is still unachieved.And such huge disparity can never be continuously addressed through incentives but through measures that would boost the volumes of components. And this is possible through cross linkages with in various automotive touch points.
The Indian State of Maharashtra announced a strategic energy partnership with Gogoro Inc. and Belrise Industries (formerly Badve Engineering) to establish an unprecedented #batteryswapping infrastructure. Gogoro, a global technology leader in battery swapping ecosystems that enable smart sustainable mobility solutions for cities, and Belrise, a leading automotive systems manufacturer based in India, plan a joint 50-50 partnership to invest approximately US$2.5 billion over eight years with the State of #maharashtra government to build energy infrastructure across the state.
Congratulations to Sundram Fasteners for this achievement. This will definitely motivate a lot of companies to work more in this field