Tracy Moodley
Business Owner @ TresCHIC PR & Communications | Internal and External Communications
I love Sundays! It's the only day of the week where I get to drink my coffee moderately hot, and actually enjoy it.
It's also my day of reflection.
You see, I honestly don't wait for the last day of the year to wrap everything up in my mind.
It's my day to think. It's also one of those days where I come up with the best ideas. Why? Because I have the luxury to hang around in my PJs for longer, until my kids ask, have you showered yet? In that case, I jump into the shower and have a longer one! I savour my meals, instead of quickly finishing just in time for the next Zoom meeting.
Sundays. Wow, I actually hear the birds chirping without wishing I had a sling to shoot them off the tree. Instead I attempt whistling along until I decide I should rather stick to what I'm great at - not whistling!
I get to catch up on some reading, this week in particular - The Stellenbosch Mafia by Pieter du Toit (quite interesting!).
By late afternoon, I sit down with my old-fashioned diary and scuffle through my bag for a pen (1 of 100 I lose in a week) and I make notes. What are the top 3 things I need to achieve this week (not earth moving), just simple, realistic, and achievable.
I jot down my Monday to-do list because Lord knows, Mondays come with wrath sent down by the ancient Gods.
I write long emails to my team, a mix of calling out bullsh*t and well, some motivation because everybody needs it (they're very much immune to my brutal honesty).
Okay, so... what I'm basically trying to say is. Take time for yourself. Life is crazy with deadlines to meet, people to meet and sales to escalate. And when you don't take time for yourself - you become a shitty leader, a shitty colleague, a shitty parent, a shitty friend, and ultimately a shitty human being.
So how about Sundaying then?
Director - Entrepreneur - Service Provider in the Corporate Sector
3 年Love this, it's my one day of me-time.