Sunday Wisdom #48: 17 Simple Tips On How To Write The Most Effective Notice
Joy Moitra
AI Enthusiast and Industry Expert. Health, Wealth and Wellness Advisor. Teaches B-School students.
Have you ever written an official notice? Or,??refused to write one?
As the secretary of my building association, I have had this task dumped on me several times.?Initially, I didn’t like the idea at all. It seemed to be a pretty mundane affair.?And, so I looked up the Internet to find out how I could write the most effective notice in the shortest possible time.
And, this is what I came up with:
Let’s now look at exactly what a notice is and how it is structured:
The notice you are writing should have a heading with your company logo and name, or the name of your residential society, club, or any other institution or individual.
Make sure the logo (if you are writing on behalf of your company) appears at the top left corner, and its official name is centered at the top of the page.
2. Subheading: To write clearly, include a sub-heading in your notice.
This is nothing but the purpose of the notice you are writing: notice about a company holiday or bank closure on a certain day of the week or your club meeting before Derby Day.
3. Date and Reference Number:
Don’t forget to put the date and reference number. Write the date on the right side of the page and mention a reference number for internal tracking.
Start with a brief introduction giving the context for the notice.?For example: “Dear Mr. XYZ or Dear Team ABC.” “?or?“ This is to let you know that?…”
5. Backdrop or Context Of The Main Story
In the body of the notice, present a vivid backdrop or context about what your main story is all about.
For example: “Due to the recent earthquake that rattled the entire island …”
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