The Sunday Talk – Kindness
Monday morning thoughts
Monday morning. It’s four o’clock. And I can believe that I agreed to do this interview so early in the morning. I also can’t believe that I am on actually let me doublecheck. Yes, I’ve done 80 miles this month. Twenty more to go. We will beat cancer together. Cheers.
Personal Branding
Is personal branding important in SEO and in general?
Yes, of course.
When you consistently tell your story and share your personality online you will notice that more and more people are actively engaging, following, and sharing your content.
The more personality you can add to your business, the easier it will get to find your tribe.
Over time you will build this community of like-minded people who value your skills and sees you as an expert in your industry.
I don’t know if you know David Amerland. Yes, he is half Australian. He talks al lot about the importance of finding your tribe and building trust with people that may’ve never seen you in real life.
And also let’s be honest: if I didn’t promote myself online you would’ve never invited me to this interview.
By the way, you will notice over time that people will either love you or hate you, and that’s okay! That’s okay!
You wouldn’t want someone who finds, who thinks that you have a rubbish personality or someone who constantly disagrees with you to be a part of your tribe.
The end goal of the ‘personal brand exercise’ is to find and build trust with people who matter!
Let go of the toxic people in your life before they destroy you
So for the people who know me, I have finally managed to clean my garage and turn it into a more useful space. By the way, this is asbestos and it’s toxic. I have ordered new roof panels and despite being afraid of heights for the first time in my life I will perform a roof surgery.
Talking about toxic let me tell you something. Sometimes in life in order to move forward, you have to let go of the toxic people that are holding you back. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up but rather accepting that there are things in life that simply cannot be.
Sometimes in life in order to move forward, you have to let go of the toxic people that are holding you back.
Give, but give until it hurts.
“Give, but give until it hurts.”― Mother Teresa
If I have to be honest I’ve got pain in every single muscle and joint in my body. Normally I do between 20 and 30 miles if that a month but this month I am going all the way to 100 miles.
A lot of my friends and family members are telling me ‘Omi, you promised to raise £150. You’ve raised £300. You look tired, your knee is swollen. Maybe it’s time to stop.
But then I am thinking people living with cancer don’t have a day off. They don’t. People living with cancer can’t say today ‘I can’t be bothered’. So I will run 100 miles in this August and together we will beat cancer.
People living with cancer don’t have a day off.
Everything seems impossible until it’s done
90 miles done. 10 miles to go. And it’s true that at first everything seems impossible until it’s done. And it’s also true that if you truly believe in something one way or another you will find your way to the finish line. We will beat cancer together.
If you truly believe in something one way or another you will find your way to the finish line
SEO is part of Digital Marketing
Yes, I agree with you: many people don’t understand SEO and as a result, many businesses fail to get it right. And one of the main reasons for that is the way we talk about SEO. We call it ‘free organic traffic’ but there is nothing free about SEO. You have to pay the SEO agency, you have to pay the developers, you have to pay the content writers.
There’s nothing free when it comes to SEO apart from the fact that it brings free traffic from Google. And this is why small businesses are like ‘wait a minute’ — this is why small businesses are hiring cheap SEO agencies because they’re like ‘wait a minute why would I pay a lot of money for free traffic?’ You understand the confusion, right? Why would I pay a lot of money for free traffic?
And very often when I go to a small client they are like ‘Omi, can you SEO our website?’ And they think that I’ll go to the SERPS and I will do some voodoo black magic and they gonna get to #1 for every single keyword.
And the main reason people think like that is because they don’t understand or they don’t know that SEO is part of Digital Marketing. SEO is not a separate entity.
SEO is part of Digital Marketing. SEO is not a separate entity.
But you go to a conference and they call it ‘SEO and digital marketing conference’ or ‘SEO and Digital Marketing webinar’.
So people think ‘okay, SEO and Digital Marketing must be 2 separate entities’.
So I’ll go to a client — again going back to the small business, right — and I’ll be like ‘Okay I’m going to need some developers to change the structure of your website I’m going to need some content writers to write new content or to improve your current, existing content’. And they gonna be like ‘wait a minute I hired an SEO, now, and I’m going to spend money on him or her or agency. I hired an SEO specialist. I’m gonna spend some money on this person. And now he’s asking me to spend more money hiring more people.
But SEO is part of digital marketing. do my job without development, right. I can’t do my job without content creation. I can’t do my job without PR. Even social. Right?
The shortest description now for SEO is ‘the practice of bringing ‘targeted audience’ to your website. And the keyword here is ‘targeted’, right.
Cause you gonna spend money on SEO. By SEO I mean the agency. You gonna spend money on development. You gonna spend money on content creation. So SEO must bring something to the table. SEO must bring revenue to the table.
It’s as simple as that.
SEO must bring revenue to the table.
Running 100 Miles in August for charity
It’s Saturday morning and the big day has arrived. Today I will complete my 100 miles journey for teenagers with cancer. Oh my God, I am so sleepy and tired. Of course, I will be celebrating this achievement. You know me I am not a heavy drinker so I bought a few bottles or to be more precise 4 bottles of Glenfiddich, champagne, wine, gin, Martini, Malibu and Swedish cider. But if you really, really, really wanna be in a good mood I would strongly recommend Bulgarian Rakia. Trust me after one glass you will be spitting fire.
Yeah, I am in a good mood. But it’s time to get ready for my final 5 miles.