The Sunday School Teacher
Title: The Sunday School Teacher
Author: Cole Hart
Number of Pages: 367
Publisher: Cole Hart Signature, LLC
About The Author
Author Cole Hart was born and raised in Augusta Georgia, at the age of twenty-four he made a life changing decision that cost him many years of his life to the Georgia prison system. But it took that for him to turn his life around. While incarcerated he fell in love with reading, then he found some his favorite authors like Sidney Sheldon, James Patterson, Dan Brown and John Grisham. After years of studying his favorites he wrote his first book with pen and paper. From that point on he wrote twenty books in prison and started his own publishing called Cole Hart Signature. He was released in March of 2018 and continued his writing and publishing business. Cole Hart is now home and resides in Atlanta Georgia. He has released his first African American christian fiction novel called The Sunday school Teacher 1&2. Now with nearly fifty authors under his umbrella. To this day, people ask him how did he do it. And his reply was. Pray every morning and night. Stay focused, stay consistent, keep God first and remain humble even when it seems as if the world is crumbling around you.
You can connect with Cole Hart at [email protected]
Follow him on IG @AuthorColeHart
Twitter: @Authorcolehart
Facebook: Jarvis Cole Hart Hardwick
About This Book
No I wasn't raised in the Church. It didn't happen until my mother fell ill and God too her away from me for no reason at all. Cancer, they say. But I needed to hear It from God, so I been talking with him everyday until my friends started calling me crazy. At that point, I started removing myself from the "IN" crowd and become a loner. I left Augusta, Georgia a little over a year after I graduated from High School and took a Greyhound bus to Atlanta. From that point, I lived in a women's shelter and joined a pretty decent Church. Then, I found my position as the Sunday School Teacher. I loved working with the youths.
That was until I met a man.The man that my Pastor warned me about. He knew him so well because they were brothers from the same womb. I should have turned away then. God was trying to tell me something. Instead, I fell into his powerful arms. Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with falling in love in Church. Then, at the blink of an eye, I was standing in the courtroom, my eyes were filled with tears, and I was frightened. The jury had been deliberating for the last few hours, only to find me guilty on all counts. The Judge wasn't light on me either. He sentenced me to "Life" in a Georgia State Women's Prison. And that's when I stopped believing in God.
Everyone has a testimony, but Annabelle Humphrey has a blue-collar and inspirational story about faith, long friendship and redemption that will certainly grab you from the first page to the very last one.
A Hot steaming cup of coffee from Starbucks and watching The sunset behind the lake from my bedroom window would be great right now..........
But unfortunately, I'm still serving a life sentence in this prison. See, the older we get the more that we're supposed to recognize that God moved on his own time, but it gets hard. Honestly, I didn't have a clue whatsoever that I would have to go through something in life so harsh as this. On the days that I felt lonely and !one The walls were closing in on me, I just called on God. Some days I wake up in the morning and device that I'm not praying anymore or I'm just tired. God would instantly tap me on the shoulder and whisper...... "Just a little bit of faith, Annabelle. That's all you need, keep going."
But God said....
"Keep going,Annabelle
Many nights I've cried in my prison cells while studying my Bible, tears drops blurring out my passage. I often wondered what my life would've been like if I wouldn't have gone to that church. What it would've den like if my .ama would have never die and never left me out here all alone? What it would've been like if.....
Then God tapped me on my shoulder again,and I turned around looking for him. The small dark cell is where I was sitting as tears still poured from my eyes. I can still hear Him say. "Now imagine what it be like if you would have never accepted me as your Lord and savior. I know what I'm doing, Annabelle. I don't make mistakes. Come here and let me show what I'm talking about....."
The Sunday School Teacher Book Review
When I was on Amazon site, "The Sunday School Teacher" caught my attention . Before I purchased this book, I wanted to make sure this was actually a Christian based novel. I purchased a book called Holy City and it wasn't a Christian based book instead it was filled with sex, drugs, profanity and violence. I read the description of this book and I am proud that this is a Christian based book with a powerful message. Cole Hart created a wonderful Christian book with well developed characters. This is the first book that Cole Hart created as a Christian book.
This storyline comprises of two books that teaches us about how God can move in a mysterious ways. God is truly awesome. Cole Hart make sure that the well developed characters of Annabelle and Daisy Mae connects with the readers. Some of us may can related with these characters. One was dealing with the enemy called cancer and the other one paying for a crime that she didn't commit. With each miracle unfolded it given Hope to the believers as well for the non-believers. God showed us Grace and Mercy. The power of Amazing Grace shown to Annabelle even though she given up on hope. When Annabelle blamed God for the mess that she created herself, God let her know that He let her know that was the choice she made for herself. Although God has other plans for her. God speaks to us and let us know that every choices we created comes with consequences. We as Christians will discover that our time and our way is Not God's time or the Will of God.
I really enjoyed the focus on the power of prayers and The Word of God. I found the characters very believable. "The Sunday School Teacher" was a wonderful read because it made you feel their plight and want to say a prayers for them. Many of the characters who have lived this drama but didn't have God to direct them. The messages in "The Sunday School Teacher" teaches us that exercise your faith in God can bring you out of situations that we can't handle on your own. This Book was about Hurts, Betrayals, lies, anger, love, faith, hope, salvation,miracles, transformation, forgiveness and doing the work for the Lord in a strange place called prisons. Thank God there were a happy ending for AnnaBelle, Angel (Black Girl) and even Daisy Mae was free from Cancer in the safety arms of Jesus. Please Cole Hart writes some more Christian Story. You have a gift from your own experiences being in Prison and the sickness of your Aunt Daisy Carter who was a Sunday School Teacher. You are truly an overcomer and not an ex convict who God anointed you to write great story that heals the soul.