Sunday Scaries - do you suffer?
The Sunday-WHAT? Whether you’ve heard of the latest colloquialism taking LinkedIn and other social network platforms by storm or not, I’m sure we’ve all experienced the feelings that equate to the Sunday Scaries/ Sunday Blues at one stage or another. In short, they’re the anxious emotions we often feel as a week's beginning approaches.
You're still enjoying your down-time on a Sunday afternoon as the evening begins to close in and it suddenly dawns on you that Monday is just a few hours away – the number of unanswered emails, unfinished To-Do list tasks or meetings with topics to ‘take offline’ are looming on top of the new jobs and actions required from the new week ahead?!
The University of Exeter are devising a toolkit to be issued later this year which will help employers ‘Banish the Sunday Night Blues’.
Channel 4 also conducted research that found more than two thirds of Britons suffered from feelings of anxiety and sleeplessness on a Sunday night. A survey of 650 respondents showed that people experience energy dips on Sunday evenings and increase to their energy levels on Monday mornings, which researchers believe triggers the Sunday Scaries.
How to prevent the Sunday Scaries?
Upon reading the findings of research conducted by the University of Exeter, Channel 4 and other leading professionals, the following can help ease the anxiety experienced for the week ahead.
Although a bout of the Sunday Scaries is unpleasant, they aren't always a problem you need to solve or a warning that you should change your life drastically. Plenty of individuals deal with them - it's not just you.?