Sunday Reset - The 8 Step Ritual to a better week from Robin Sharma
Recharge and Reflection with Mr. Alf

Sunday Reset - The 8 Step Ritual to a better week from Robin Sharma

Sitting here on my 1st Sunday reset of the year, I'm most grateful to be able to share insights I learned from Robin Sharma and put into place every week.

In our bustling world, (the world of the 10,000 things as Lao Tzu would say) most people try to be all things to all people. They don't 'Focus on the Worthy' as it were. We will answer every email that comes (because this activity offers them temporary respite and distraction from what is most important). We say yes to everything that comes our way, without asking the more reflective question - will this activity advance my central mission? We let our emotions and moods run rampant and dominate us, rather than understanding we are greater than our moods and our psychology.

We let our emotions and moods run rampant and dominate us, rather than understanding we are greater than our moods and our psychology.

The Weekly Design System (WDS) from Robin Sharma's 'Focus on the Worthy' program (which I learnt a few years ago) is a life management process that will take your personal and professional life to another level, allowing you to experience all-new levels of success, mastery and fulfilment. I usually take 1 hour out of my Sunday, either 5pm or 6pm to complete it.

Through the process, you will draw out the following benefits: -

  • Perspective
  • Life Balance
  • Focus
  • Self-Respect
  • Synergy
  • Energy

So, to get started, I urge you to have your most handsome journal and pen and get ready to design your life, rather than just make a living.

The 8 Steps of the Weekly Design System: -

Step 1 - Connect with your compelling cause - ask yourself 3 questions

  1. What would you want your life to stand for?
  2. How do you want to be remembered?
  3. What is your compelling cause? (A paragraph that states your ultimate purpose and burning desire that guides you)

Step 2 - Weekly Story - Here you write out day by day (7 days) from week prior and how you lived it. Writing clarifies our 'fuzzy thinking' so I have found this process most cathartic and enjoyable. An incredibly powerful practice that allows you to learn from life and lets your past serve you

An incredibly powerful practice that allows you to learn from life and lets your past serve you

Step 3 - Celebration - Here you right out 6 Truly Exceptions (3 Personal and 3 Professional) from your previous week you did well and you're proud of (could be waking up 5 days in a row early, got to work 1 hour ahead of time each day) things that give you momentum and energy. Making time to record your wins fosters an extraordinary degree of momentum in your life which allows you to fuel your upward rise to success.

Step 4 - Weekly Rating - Now that you've reviewed your week, give it a weekly rating out of 10 (10 being the best), I haven't had a 10 week's one my list of goals though :) As Peter Drucker once said, "What is not measured cannot be improved". Also, in addition to this quantified score, measure qualitatively the level of success and/or satisfaction you have about the week that passed. You can also reflect what you feel will allow you to transcend to a higher rating and level.

"What is not measured cannot be improved" Peter Drucker

Step 5 - Inspired Standards - Now's the time to set your stretch goals for the week. Your BHAG's (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) 6-8 in total (3-4 Personal and Professional) that you can focus on to bring this week to its highest level. By setting these intentions, you bring a sense of excitement to your days as well as focus. Good to remember, the human brain craves fun and novelty and the need to feel actualised and fulfilled. Despite what it feels like in the moment, we are most happiest when we are growing and challenging yourself to get better.

Good to remember, the human brain craves fun and novelty and the need to feel actualised and fulfilled.

Step 6 - Living your Priorities - Here, you write out a list (only once) at the start of the year of the activities want to schedule into your weeks. Eg. (Running in the morning, walking the dog, time with the kids, early rising). Everything you feel you'd need for the week ahead take out of this list and get ready to schedule in.

Step 7 - Integration - We now take the priorities for the week and schedule them into your schedule. Best to put into both your Smartphone calendar and also (if you can) write out as well. The very act of writing, and putting pen to paper, deepens your conviction and will to make these happen. The process of building out your ideal week also brings with it an added sense of excitement and hopefulness about the coming 7 days.

The very act of writing, and putting pen to paper, deepens your conviction and will to make these happen.

Step 8 - Execution - Every morning, take about 10 minutes to revisit your blueprint you created in step 7 and re-dedicate yourself to making this blueprint come to life!

I hope you find value in these 8 steps as I did when they found me (only when I was ready). As the old adage goes...

'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear' - The Buddha

Drazen Drinic

Chears to new beginnings.

3 年

Thanks for this one, it's really useful.

Andrew Debono

Financial Adviser / Director > Investment Strategist > Risk Mitigator > Football Tragic

5 年

This is awesome Cullen P. Haynes

Tracey Kitching

AI Certified Consultant | Expert Educator | I help expert coaches to automate their content creation and marketing in 90 minutes or less without losing their personal brand voice.

5 年

Makes so much sense Cullen P. Haynes

Christopher Melotti

??Brand Comms Consultant, Content Marketing Advisor, Strategic Copywriter & AI Ethicist Policy Writer. ??I ensure businesses & professionals build strong reputations & dominate their markets?? Let's do great things!

5 年

Wow, this is great Cullen P.!

Martin Vidakovic

Sales Director, Mortgage & Finance, Performance, Leadership & Growth, The Numbers Game Podcast

5 年

Really enjoyed this:) Cullen P. Haynes


