Sunday Reflections (16/05/21)

Sunday Reflections (16/05/21)

In Doing What I am Doing, What Am I Really Doing

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Hey Friends,

Greetings from Hyderabad!

I write Sunday Reflections in pursuit of one question - In doing what I am doing, what am I really doing?

Yesterday, I had great fun publishing my tweetstorm essay, Why Technology is a Second Order Priority *Right Now* in Indian Agriculture? (13 min long read)

I explored a question that I felt was extremely relevant to what is currently happening in the Indian Agtech scene: What happens when technology leapfrogs faster than inadequate agricultural market infrastructure?

I received some fascinating comments in response to my article.

Dr. Hema Yadav shared with me her research report linking markets to ENAM (Electronic National Agricultural Markets) in the eastern state of Odisha. In response to my anecdote of a smallholder farmer unable to sell his produce, she shared a key conclusion which she had argued in context with the state of Odisha: “Regulated market committees have adequate infrastructure, but the absence of trading is conspicuous in these markets”.

Lokesh Karkaria argued that market infrastructure is never the weak link. It is TIME which is the weakest link, as the journey from farm to fork is always a race against time. He brought up an important point that I had earlier touched upon when I wrote my essay, “No Country for Middle Men”

Ganesh Hegde argued that this problem can be addressed only when farm produces are price tagged at a farm level. Although this is a good idea, but, in reality, it is very difficult to implement as traceability systems haven’t yet been implemented at the furthest last mile.

Karthik Arumugham emphasized the need for low-cost innovations in the warehousing space. He shared a fascinating case study of a low-cost cold storage that preserves agricultural produce at 1/10th cost. He also wondered if more farmers and FPOs could participate in commodity trading to hedge risks. (We are not there yet!)

Rahul Prakash added a nice, philosophical quip while talking about the Eastern States which have been laggards in agricultural growth: When you remove tech from agri, agri still survives. However, when you remove agri from tech, nothing is left.

Beneath the essay is an attempt to establish an important axiomatic principle that underpins my thinking on agriculture: Market Structure Follows Context.

(When I say context, what I am referring to is the sum total of the history that has shaped the particular operating market environment)

The crux of the problem is this: Technology has both tool and infrastructure instincts.(There is a nice german word which I once learned which describes this: Nutzungsoffenheit!)

In the absence of real physical infrastructure, technology can easily blur the lines between playing the role of a tool and an infrastructure. And that has real consequences if left unchecked.

How do we strengthen the infrastructure for the tool to achieve its full potential?

We’ll keep exploring. Enjoy your Sunday!



crispine lupiya

Academic Tutor at Ministry of General Education

3 年

ABOUT US Today,?AgriPride Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd?has on database more than 500 hardworking households as members in the countryside of Kabwe District of Central Province.?We are?a grassroots’??Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society??in the Agribusiness with the aim to leverage on the vast opportunities available in the farming industry so that we contribute our share in growing the Zambian economy through?integrated agribusiness [three agri-food systems of focus (vegetables, poultry, ruminant meat and pork)] with poultry as ancillary food system, and still other commodities featuring as part of systems work (ruminant meat of goats, rabbits and sheep) each with distinct economic and social determinants for development. Not forgetting value addition in food processing projects such as peanut butter, honey, cooking oil among others. AgriPride Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society was founded in 2020?and got registered on 12th April, 2021 by visionary leaders who were inspired to take action by their interactive experiences with people living in extreme poverty. We are in need of grant to enable us finance?the project and we will appreciate your response. Contact?+260 967 701 276 Crispine Sikazwe Lupiya Cooperative Manager

Lokesh Kakarla

AgMart - Agri Market App

3 年

(2/2) More number of markets helps in reducing volatility and help bringing stability. Compare the density of markets in Punjab and Haryana with that of Bihar, you understand why #Punjab farmers protesting against #farmlaws. sadly farmers from Bihar don't even know what they are missing.

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Lokesh Kakarla

AgMart - Agri Market App

3 年

(1/2) Venky, Lets not underestimate our existing infrastructure, look at the beautiful spread of Agri Markets (on maps), we have unparalleled, decentralized and locally adapted macro infrastructure in place. The way banking transformed after CBS (core banking solutions), Agri Markets can also be transformed digitally. Interesting part is, we don't need anyone's approval or amendments to any laws... After all, what we develop is just a calendar. Powerless but priceless...

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Ashok Wadhawan

ICAR-IGFRI incubatee:integrating dairying farmer’s,feed plants,silage producers & milk plants in establishing greenfield"Silage Mixed Total Ration"units for serving complete nutritional feed,reduce labor cost & vet bill

3 年

Excellent! Keep doing good as you do


