Sunday Morning Word Soup, "Narcing" Out the Neighbors, Investing in Digital Marketing
"No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do."
Sunday morning, 7:00 a.m., coffee is made, Jolene, our cat, is having a conversation with herself, the house is asleep, it is time for me to make some word soup. I've got a date with my Queen in our breakfast nook; need to get this soup cooking!
We went for a hike yesterday, there is a park with trails close to our home, as we say it is down the hill. It is called Meyers Ranch; it's got a lot of trails, and yesterday it was very muddy. As we began to hike, I decided to hang back and let the others go ahead, I took some time with myself, reflecting and stacking some rocks.
We stopped by to see our friends at Brooks Tavern, got some wings, dropped some cash at our local liquor store, and returned home to play some cards and watch some comedy. We played beer pong, I fired up our new Yamaha Keyboard and played some tunes.
I was on a call on Friday, and one of the attendees was talking about suffering and how there is now a big magnifying glass on pain. We can collectively mourn as millions lose their jobs, some their business, and some of their family members. These are sad and trying times.
But alas, there is some good news. Many of our clients and friends got their PPP grants this past week. It allows for a continuance of business and allows for another two months of payroll for thousands of people. I do want to thank the National Bank of Indianapolis and Bill Airy at Lendio for taking a particular interest in our firm and helping us secure our grant.
The sun is up; it looks like a beautiful day, we will go on another hike, it feels good to be outside, the fresh air is like medicine, it's great to see all the wildlife thriving as humans hide in our homes. We are very fortunate and blessed to be stranded where we are; not everyone got isolated on top of a mountain in paradise.
I am starting to see some governments overstep their bounds. The mayor of New York is now asking people to take photos of people, not correctly social distancing, and send a text the picture to him. In Los Angles, they are putting sand in a local skate park so the locals can no longer use it.
I think the more we can get outside and move, the better for all humanity. We are not idiots, we understand social distancing, but if someone saw our group of 5 out, not knowing that we have been together in isolation, I'm sure some folks would call. As a child, we called these people narcs, I am not sure if that is the proper term, but do us all a favor and don't narc on your neighbors.
Now more than ever, we need to be curious. We need to open our minds and ask questions we have never asked. We need to find content that helps fill our heads with good stuff and remove the wrong ideas and thoughts. I have an excellent mindset today; I have been focusing on assisting others, using our firm as a tool, showing others how to show up in these unprecedented times.
I have been on multiple calls this week where people were suffering, losing employees, losing their business, my heart aches for these people. What words can you string together to give hope in a time of uncertainty? I have had a few friends come down with Covid19; all have survived; it is not a death sentence; there is hope in recovery.
I think we will soon see parts of the country return to work. I think "work" will have a new meaning; many offices have learned that it's acceptable and almost more efficient to allow employees to work from home. We have decided as a company to increase our investment in digital marketing. Our website numbers are trending to the positive; we are now getting opportunities we would not have received if not for our online presence. If you own a company, I encourage you to hire a professional digital marketing firm to help share your story and your unique point of difference.
We hired Wired Mustang about two years ago, I had called another firm I had worked with in the past, but they stated they were too busy to take us on. I had met Anna and her partner Dave; it's a boutique firm, we get treated like royalty. They know how to move our site up in the online rankings. We have become friends with these folks as well. If your online digital marketing company is not taking care of you, check out
I hope these words find you in a good space. I hope your mindset is clear, you are optimistic, and you are using this time to become a better human being. There are gifts and presents during this time that should be unwrapped and treasured. How will you look back on this time? Will it be a tragedy or a comedy or something in between? It is up to you as to how you interpret the unique opportunities given these past few weeks. We will get through this together, apart.
"No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you; no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do."