Sunday Inspirational Stories: A Glimpse into Snezana's Radiant Joy
Dr. Masi Njawaya
CEO, HERSELF HEALTH | Champion of Holistic Health and Well-being & Humanly Sustainable Performance for Leaders & Their Teams | Sport, Exercise & Lifestyle Medicine Physician | Burnout Prevention & Health Coach
From a therapist to a friend: The unexpected bond between Snezana and me and an introduction to her essence of living joy.
Beyond the daily roles we all play, there's a story, a perspective, and a drive that defines us.
Today, in my ongoing SIS Series – Sunday Inspirational Stories, I wish to share an intimate and enlightening conversation I had a while ago with someone truly special, Snezana Boskovic . You may be surprised to know she was my therapist…an expert beauty therapist. Now she's my dear friend, a beautiful soul both inside and out, and an embodiment of joy.
Whenever we meet, I'm always left marvelling at how Snezana effortlessly exudes happiness, a state of being that many of us earnestly seek. Through our conversation, she graciously opened up about her views on living a joy-filled life. And if you've ever met Snezana, you'd know she doesn't just talk about joy; she truly lives it.
Let's dive into our chat, where Snezana shares her pearls of wisdom on achieving this coveted state of happiness.
Delving Into Work-Life Balance: A Candid Discussion
Masi: Snezana, I've always been keen to understand your take on work-life balance, especially as a mother. What are your aspirations in terms of achieving this balance, and what hurdles stand in your way? Briefly, could you describe your current situation?
Snezana: I've contemplated a career shift, pondering on perhaps venturing into a new field or going back to study. But I'm always held back by the thought of what I might be leaving behind. Any change brings about uncertainty – better job prospects, increased income. Yet, one might end up in an environment where they no longer enjoy their colleagues' company or feel the job satisfaction I currently cherish. It's a choice, really. Perfection is elusive; it's all about prioritising what truly matters.
The Essence of Happiness: A Daily Choice
Masi: So, you believe in choosing what resonates with you and brings joy?
Snezana: Precisely. Every decision involves some sacrifice. We can't have it all. Hence, it's crucial to pick what aligns with one's happiness. This year, I approached my manager for a raise, expressing my commitment and passion for the job. Let's see how that pans out.
Masi: It seems you're in a phase where you cherish your work environment but are contemplating change, weighing the comforts you currently enjoy against the uncertainties of a new direction?
Snezana: Yes, I adore everything about my current job – the people, clients, the daily interactions. But there's always the financial struggle. It's a tug of war between pursuing a change, inspired by peers discussing advancements and societal expectations, and the fear of losing out on personal contentment.
Masi: It sounds like a delicate balancing act. Given your single-parent status and the responsibilities that come with it, what have you sacrificed for the balance you've achieved?
Snezana: I've often toyed with the idea of studying nursing or social work, among other fields. But the journey to achieve those credentials would demand sacrifices – time, happiness, freedom. By the end of it, I might gain a diploma but lose a part of my essence. The thing I fear losing the most is my happiness. You know, I wake up every day and decide today it's going to be a great day. I start my day happy. I don't wait for things to unfold and to happen during the day.
Masi: So, for you, happiness isn't just a feeling; it's a daily choice, a force that not only uplifts you but also positively impacts those around you?
Snezana: Absolutely. My happiness radiates, influencing people I encounter daily, from bus stops to coffee shops. My job may not be the most lucrative, but the joy, optimism, and connections it brings me are priceless. I've sacrificed potential promotions and higher pay, but in return, I've gained unparalleled happiness.
Reflection: In our world, where balance often seems like an unattainable luxury, Snezana's perspective was a refreshing reminder. It's not about having it all but cherishing what truly matters.
As Snezana and I delved deeper into what "having everything" truly meant, the depth and emotion of our conversation magnified.
Snezana’s Deep Dive: Balance, Success, and Real Happiness
Masi: Now, Snezana, where does this belief come from - this idea that you can't have everything?
Snezana: It probably stems from my life. I never felt I had everything. For me, even a little feels like a lot. Simple pleasures, like a yoga membership, daily coffee, seeing friends, and enjoying my Netflix subscription... that's happiness for me.
Masi: So you cherish the little things, and your experiences have taught you that sometimes, you don't get everything. Do you ever wonder about aiming higher, like getting a promotion or more education, even if it means letting go of some things?
Snezana: I fear that success would cost me my freedom. More responsibilities would mean more time taken away from my day, and that brings more stress. I see it in my clients – those with high-ranking positions and great careers. With bigger roles and better pay come heavier burdens. It's a choice; we have to sacrifice some things.
Masi: It's interesting. Many give up something to gain elsewhere. But sometimes, those who gain what you've let go of may not possess the happiness you do.
Snezana: Maybe they do, maybe they don't. All I know is my perspective.
Masi: Speaking from my side, while I've achieved much, I don't believe I have 'everything.' But I'm content. When we talk about 'everything,' we often focus on material things. But when I think of what I truly want - love, a strong relationship ith my husband and kids, health, passion for my work - I realise I have it all.
Snezana: That's where I find my peace too. By not constantly projecting into the future and being bogged down by massive plans. Living in the present relieves that pressure. Once broken, it's hard to rebuild oneself. People push themselves too much, and it results in therapies and battles with anxiety.
Masi: That's a profound insight.
Snezana: We should remember we're just humans. Not everyone is built for relentless hustle and stress. Yet, there's this societal pressure to conform. We live in a "copy-paste" society, where we feel a need to mimic others, feeling like failures if we don't match up.
Masi: I adore that term, "copy-paste society". Mind if I use it??
Snezana: Of course, it’s yours now!
Living Mindfully: Embracing the Present
We talked about living mindfully - in the moment.:
Masi: That's such a refreshing perspective, Snezana. Many of us get caught up in long-term plans, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. But taking things one day at a time, focusing on just tomorrow, can be so much more manageable and grounding.
Snezana: Exactly, Masi. Why stress about something that hasn’t happened yet? Or might never even happen? Tomorrow is enough for me to focus on. We have today and hopefully, we have tomorrow. Beyond that, who knows?
Masi: That's very true. Well, Snezana, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you. Your perspective on life is refreshing, and I think we can all learn a lot from your approach to just focus on tomorrow and be grateful for today.
Snezana: Thank you, Masi, for giving me the platform to express and share. It's conversations like these that remind us of the beauty in simplicity.
Masi: Indeed, it does. It's been such a pleasure speaking with you, Snezana. Your energy and positivity are infectious.
Snezana: Thank you, Masi. Let's cherish every moment and take life one day at a time.
Masi: One day at a time. What a wonderful note to end on. Thank you, Snezana.
Conclusion: Lessons from Snezana
This conversation with Snezana was an eye-opener on many fronts. It underscored the importance of understanding one's own path and values, and not getting swayed by society's ever-shifting standards of success. Sometimes, real joy lies in the simplest of moments, and true wealth is in recognizing and cherishing them.
In reflecting on my insightful conversation with Snezana, it's evident that the multifaceted roles women play, especially as professionals and mothers, are filled with challenges but also immense opportunities for growth and leadership. The journey is often punctuated with moments of doubt, yet it's stories like Snezana's that serve as a beacon, highlighting the boundless potential and resilience inherent in every woman.
I encourage all professional women and mothers to not just engage with these narratives but to share their own – for in the tapestry of our shared experiences, we find strength, inspiration, and a roadmap to navigate the complexities of our unique paths. Let's uplift and support one another, ensuring that the voices of women, in all their diversity and brilliance, resonate louder and clearer in the professional realm.
Let's make your success healthy and happy.
Dr. Masi
Disclaimer: The content in this newsletter and related LinkedIn posts is for informational purposes only and not medical advice. Views expressed are those of Dr. Masi Njawaya and Herself Health and not any official organisation. Consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice. Use this information at your own risk.
Good morning Masi??Thank you for your beautiful words.We all crossing paths with each other and that was the way I found you my friend ????.Let us learn from each other and grow together.Life is a special gift and it’s so much more enjoyable and easier when you live just for today.Let your day and the way you feel be your own choice.Have a wonderful day ahead..Xo