Sunday Evening Quotes and Sayings for January 19th 2020
Jack "ASLAN" Hornsby
Founding Member&Executive Director w/John Maxwell Leadership CertifiedTeam/CEO Aslan Enterprizes
Sunday Evening Quotes and Sayings for January 19th 2020
From Ronnie Cunningham:
Thought for today - Are you spending or investing your time? Give thought to these two quotes. My prayer for you is that you are investing and adding life....
"When you're investing time instead of spending it, you don't get so concerned about running out."
- Fred Smith, Sr.
"Are you adding another year to your life or adding life to another year? - John C. Maxwell
Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper - it doesn't permanently solve any problems, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile. - John Maxwell
One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide.
Leaders who attract followers.....need to be needed.
Leaders who develop leaders....want to be succeeded.
- Maxwell Leadership
The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions.
- Robert Louis Stevenson