Sunday dread? Don’t settle for it.
If feels as though there’s a heightened sense of anxiety in the world at the moment. And you don’t have to go far to experience it.
Don’t believe me? Watch next time someone lets out a mild cough in a queue and watch as strangers exchange a knowing look and step back.
To be fair, there’s a lot to be anxious about.
COVID’s not exactly over. There’s another flu flying around. Worldwide economies are on the brink. And whether you want to catch a train, stay in a hospital bed, see a doctor or pay for your heating bill, there’s likely to be bad news afoot.
There’s also the ruckus rumbling on over returning to the office full time
Are those who are, better off? Is it better to rip the plaster off?
Whatever your stance It seems existential dread’s the flavour of the month.
And this is all before we discuss work at the start of the year, and the sodden slump into the Sunday scaries.
Before I lose you for being too negative, stick with me and I promise to lift your spirits.
I’ll start by telling you a secret I adorn on in my immediate circle. One which comes as a shock to some. A secret that feels like sarcasm or smugness. It’s not. It’s simply this…
You’re not supposed to be anxious on a Sunday.
The idea of work isn’t supposed to worry you. Some people don’t hate their jobs. In fact, some people love them. And if you don’t, it’s an achievable goal to change things.
There are some who would tell you “no job’s worth exchanging your mental health
For some, sadly, there is no choice. For you, there is. I promise you there is. And I can help you find it, and dismiss the dread for good.
Not long ago, you were only allowed to whisper the phrase ‘mental health’, lest you draw ire from senior management. Mutter it three times in the toilet mirror and your boss would spring up, insisting you got back to work.
These days, thankfully, it’s becoming a much more open topic.
We’ve lost too many of our nearest and dearest to not take this subject seriously. Looking after those around you isn’t easy. But looking after yourself is a good starting place.
People are finally waking up to the importance of self care and wellbeing
Everyone feels anxious at times. Everyone will go through a break up. Or bereavement. Or just have one of those days.
But where anxiety becomes dyed in the wool, and at arrives with frequency more accurate than a Southern Rail train, it’s time to look at the cause. Because not addressing its cause is inviting the tiger to tea.
The science
What we know about anxiety is, it gets the body ready to fight danger. It’s almost the physical embodiment of our fight or flight complex. It’s been used to help humans navigate wild animals and physical threats for thousands of years.
Only now, there aren’t any wild animals attacking our home in the middle of the night. It’s a micromanaging boss, or 2 hour, stressful commute.
And there’s another option to fight or flight. A third option.
The option of putting on a brave face and trudging on. The stiff upper lip.
Which we’ll don, whilst our brains work out whether we’re fleeing or fighting.
According to the experts, Anxiety seems to be created by “an imbalance between the emotional and thinking parts of the brain.”
“Typically, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) inhibits the emotional amygdala. The amygdala is always on the lookout for threats so it can react quickly.”
“You need it to be in full operation during a dangerous situation. However, in non-threatening situations, a healthy prefrontal cortex inhibits the lower parts and puts the brakes on the accelerated speed of the amygdala.”
Essentially, your brain doesn’t work properly in a crisis. And our brain’s idea of what a crisis is, hasn’t been adjusted for modern living.
New problems need new solutions
I talk to people about their jobs everyday. I’ve heard stories that’d make you shudder. I’ve helped people escape their nightmare. And will do again. But a lot of the work I do simply involves finding ‘better’.
Much in the same way a tiger’s not after your first born, many anxiety fuelled workplace situations aren’t life or death. They’re things which could be better. Things which aren’t quite perfect.
A boss you don’t click with. A promotion that’s been delayed three times. A team that’s less than stellar.
Sometimes the problems are nothing more than nagging doubts you haven’t mentally addressed.
And yet, eradicating them feels like a weight’s been lifted. Why? Because workplace stress and anxiety
So how do you find your own version of better? And shift the weight from workplace anxiety?
By eradicating the touch points which create anxiety in the first place. At source.
And the first step’s working out what those touch points are.
Writing a list’s a good way to work it out. What particular minutiae are you unhappy with at work? What would you change in a perfect world?
Now, on the same list, put a dash next to anything that change on its own. And write the date you’d hope that would’ve happened by. This list then becomes a checklist. A way to try and change everything in your power, and a deed to hold yourself to account for those you can’t.
It’s also a very good starting point for job hunting
You deserve to be happy
Everyone has a different idea of what happiness is.
From my many years in recruitment and hiring, I can tell you people leave jobs for lots of reasons.
There are hundreds of touch points in your job and career. It’s just as valid to resign for a lengthy commute as it is a lack of support. Your version of happy might be different to someone else’s, but it’s no less important.
My advice for safeguarding it?
Constantly analyse.
Constantly look for better. Be open to change. Moving jobs can be a risk. And risks create anxiety. But knowing yourself inside out and having a strong sense of what makes you happy will diminish them greatly.
Some of the most successful people I’ve met are always looking to improve on any of their career touch points. They constantly look and think about better.
Do this yourself and you’ll know what it is you want, or at least what you don’t. And then, all you need to eliminate the Sunday dread for good, is someone who knows where better resides.
And for that, you only need click here.