Sunday Discourses: The Awakening

Sunday Discourses: The Awakening

It started small,

Only a few.

A transcendental experience.

A jaw dropping realization,

A revelation.

Unveiling of truth,

By washing away the noise,

Clearing the hurt.

Bringing the light to their shadows,

Cleansing the pain.

Freeing their bodies,

Opening their minds.

We are all one.

God lies within each of us.


How would you treat God if you met her?

“Well, I would give thanks and gratitude for my life and the world.”


Good.?What if I told you, you are facing God in the mirror? You, yourself, you are God.

“That’s crazy.?How can that be?”

How can it not be?


“But if I’m God, and you are God, your’e saying everyone is God.”

Yes you’re getting it.


“Then I will give thanks and rejoice in the presence of God all the time,

every day, every way, I will never be without God’s presence.”

Now you’ve got it.


“This awakening, of which you speak, what is it?”

It’s the next step for humankind.?The natural evolution. A mass recognition of what you just discovered.


“But how will it happen?”

One by one.


“That will take forever!”

No, you see every time one of us finds God, it’s 10 times easier for the next human being to do so. The power works exponentially. Each person who awakens, paves the path, the divine path for others.


“But, when will this begin?”

It has already begun.?The pace is quickening.?


“But won’t the powers that be fight it?”

Yes of course. They can’t help it. They operate out of fear, but nothing can stop it.?There will of course be setbacks, roadblocks?and curves along the way, but as momentum builds, the power of all of us will overwhelm the unconscious people.?Thus bringing love and light to their lonely, individual existence.?They can’t help but join in.?It’s too much joy to miss.


“What part do I play?”

You are already playing your part. Simply by coming to the realization, experiencing your own revelation, you bring love and light to the world. You are channeling God, the Universe, the Source through you.?Simply recognize God in yourself first,?and then you will see it in all others.?It can’t not spread.?


“Is this religion?”

Yes and no.?It’s not about man derived religious institutions.?They started with real insight, but in many ways lost their way and real connection with God long ago.?There are many well intentioned people in these religions today, but as institutions, they have largely lost their way. The awakening is each of us opening our hearts and recognizing Gods presence.?That can certainly come in a church, a synagogue, a temple,?or a mosque.?However, it can just as easily or even more likely come on the beach, in a field, in the woods or on a mountaintop.?You see, God does not care about the specifics of our various religions. God cares about humanity and our planet.?God cares about you and me. We don’t need another human to interpret for us or communicate with God, we each can do it directly. Once we awaken to this direct connection, all things are possible.


Stepping away from the institutions, one can find this direct connection with God and the path to heaven throughout all the major religions and in the teachings of the great Stoics.?


In Galatians 2:20, Saint Paul wrote: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”?- to me, this speaks to the “Christ consciousness”


In The Bhagavad Gita, 9.22: "To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." - no need for interpretation here.


In the Dhammapada, a collection of sayings of the Buddha, verse 372 speaks directly to the attainment of Nirvana:

"Indeed, there is no other happiness like that of being at rest, and there is no other bliss like that of obtaining peace. This indeed is the bliss of a monk who sees the natural state of the Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha)."


A verse I found from the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (C2,V197) says:

"And whatever good you do - Allah (SWT) knows it. And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is Taqwa (piety, righteousness), so fear Me, O you of understanding." - which to me can be understood as mindfulness of God, piety, or righteousness. This can be seen as a reminder that while material preparations are important, spiritual readiness and a consciousness of God are even more crucial, not just for the Hajj, but for the journey of life itself.


A verse in the Tanakh that speaks to this is from the Book of Micah (C6,V8):

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"


Epictetus, the ancient Greek Stoic philosopher, has many quotes that speak to the idea of inner peace, virtue, and personal growth - and the direct connection with your God. One that resonates with me regarding the spiritual journey is: "Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it." It suggests that the true measure of our philosophy or spirituality is not what we say, but how we live our lives.?Another that builds on this "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."


No where in any of these examples does it speak to finding god through another human. They all speak to finding or following your God directly through your actions, deeds and thoughts.?A direct connection.?

Brave were the people who faced their shadows, but the result is finding heaven on earth. You see, all human beings have the power to create heaven on earth.?It’s ours to unlock.?Infinite potential.?Unending love.?Peace. Harmony with each other and nature.?


We live in a world of abundance. There is plenty for everyone and for nature to thrive.?The key is for each of us to take only what we need, and to put everything else to work for good and for others and the planet and eventually the universe.?


This doesn’t mean people don’t have to work hard, they do.?

This doesn’t mean innovation, ingenuity and ideas should not be rewarded, they must be.


But after a point, the rewards are in excess of need. As those who have the success wake up, they will be moved to put their excess resources to good use.?It’s already happening and it is accelerating.?This is not about virtue signaling. It’s about fundamentally bringing our abundance to the world and literally creating heaven on earth. It’s about doing what you have to do to be true to your true self. To God.


“Thank you, you’ve given me a lot to think about, I’m grateful.”

Thank you.?I’m grateful.?Happy Sunday.????

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The Awakening by Smoke Wallin using Mid Journey AI


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