Sunday Challenge: Unlearning
Mandy Morris, LPC
I Make the Best, Better ? Executive Coach? EMDR Clinician ? Trauma Expert ? Psychology ? Mental Health Expert ? Speaker ? International Best-Selling Author ?Contributor BIZCATALYST 360° ?Tv Show Team Support
Growing up we get a “blueprint” on life. From this blueprint we learn how to deal with the world, others, and ourselves. It’s important to remember that we all carry baggage, even the ones we grew up with. Sometimes their best was with good intentions, but may not have been always healthy in what was taught or modeled. We also are all genetically wired differently and based on our own personality we respond to life and create habits and patterns for ourselves early on. Sometimes we have to unlearned behaviors, beliefs, and ways of thinking. What used to serve us well when we were younger, may no longer serve us well as adults or in relationships. For instance, it is easier for me to stay under the radar, keep the peace, and not say anything. However, in relationships this does not serve me well, it builds up resentment and I sacrifice my own needs and wants. Or, maybe you’ve learned to just run or cut people off when things get hard. This may have protected you in the past, but keeps you disconnected and lonely. What you believe about yourself is important could be keeping stuck. Maybe you’ve always believed that you aren’t capable or aren’t good enough….this belief does not serve you well, and in spite of how you feel learning to accept that you are and that you can. This may feel odd, but it’s a part of the “unlearning process”.
Sunday Challenge: What is a pattern or default way of thinking, behaving, or believing that you find always comes up, but does not seem to serve you well anymore? What will it look like to unlearn that?
Mandy Morris, LPC, EMDR Certified Clinician.
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