Sun Tzu and the Art of Real Estate

Sun Tzu and the Art of Real Estate

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win". Sun Tzu

It’s WAR. I’m reminded, whenever there’s an opportunity for winners and losers there’s an opportunity to include the basic principles of Sun Tzu.

You can help.

 Preamble - NZ

We have a post “Weathertightness Remediation’ situation whereby the CBD properties are now fully re-mediated and compliant to the latest Council Code requirements (just waiting for the Certificate/s to be issued) , individual Units are looking fantastic and the development as a whole is looking very appealing.

Problems which have taken several years and involved very significant rectification costs are now in the past.

The issue we are now faced with stems from many owners who for a whole range of reasons are wanting or needing to quite these properties. Some of these owners need to sell and in some cases are prepared to take a small lose whereas other owners who simply want to sell would like to hold for a more realistic and comparable CBD relative price.

 Those needing to sell have for a number of reasons via their appointed various agents been trying to attract buyers by lowering the asking price and there has been some competition amongst these sellers to attract the first buyers by offering prices lower than their competitors. In effect, a negative price war.

 Those other owners are in a wait-and-see situation with the supposed aim of  keeping their powder dry.

The issue:

Those who sell first will likely set a precedent asking price for any sales which follow. These early sales will form part of the basis for valuations.

 These owners are smart often well educated people and yet there exists the feeling: ‘those who are in a strong position are being led and guided by those who are in a weak or perhaps even desperate situation”.

Across the whole development there is potential for millions of dollars to be lost or added to the property values.

Attempts to encourage owners to work together, has in the main failed (it’s a bit like herding pussy cats). Many owners have appointed individual agents (as is their absolute right) who in turn have erected a plethora of sign boards (a veritable forest of For Sale sign boards is not a good look) and offering a wide range of prices (raising questions and confusing buyers) for what are ostensibly very similar properties.

 I would welcome any comments or helpful hints from readers which in turn may assist these individual owners to work collectively towards a positive outcome.

Sun Tzu provided answers but not how to get the message across.


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