Sun Signs November 2017 By Alina Rubi, PMAFA
Sun Signs November 2017
By Alina Rubi, PMAFA
Aries (March 21-April 20): This month you will lay many anxieties to rest as you realize that your concerns were all in your imagination. The practical Full Moon on the 4th, will delivery you personal and financial gains if you are forthright about how you want your life to unfold. Continued hard work will pay off and professional goals will succeed. Mars, your ruler, will be in Libra the whole month rewarding you with a good love; work to find balance and avoid discrepancies in your close relationships. You could fall in love with a person of different social standing. On the 17th, your help could be needed in giving someone directions or other assistance involving mental work; you will receive a pleasant call from a friend. The New Moon in your income corner on the 18th, collabs with Jupiter, helping you budget like a pro. Say thanks on the 23rd and remember that family is your best asset.
Power Phrase: Thrust yourself, then you will know how to live.
Taurus (April 21-May 21): November is categorically not the best month for Taurus, from an astrological context; Scorpio oppositions will be affecting Taurus in multiple areas. Invert in a confidence-pushing style updated when the Full Moon swings in your sign on the 4th. The same day, unresolved tensions in a love relationship may cause you sudden upsets as one of you seeks freedom from the restrictions and tensions. Your best day of the month is the 13th, when you could receive a gift or a bonus, or at least... a favor. You will be oriented toward relationships on the 18th with the scorpion New Moon on your partnership center; a soul mate connection will solidify. The foundations you put in place now will determine how far you will go. Research whatever it is you are thinking about doing and refuse to let anyone influence you otherwise. Thanksgiving could be a dramatic binding experience. Close to the 29th, you will be confronted with an important decision about your love life.
Power Phrase: Destiny is not a matter of chance it is a matter of choice.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): Things will return back to normal this November, you will have to learn to accept conventionality once again. Keep your secrets hidden, puffing will give other people the chance to bring you down; play your cards under the table and make sure that you come out on top. Be wary of idealizing people or situations; longing for the "pie in the sky", you could have great troubles relating to the world as it really is. For your own good, stay attached to your health resolutions; after the 18th, register to private yoga classes. On the 25th you could see or hear from an old friend who is changing or doing something different. Trying to catch up on your bills, correspondence on the 28th. Set up your plan of attack and make a big splash, work at what you can accomplish instead of laboring over what you cannot.
Power Phrase: Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): This month your boundless imagination could help you to stand out. Your feelings and emotions will be more intense, avoid obsessive thinking on the 2nd. Make every effort to get your communications clearly defined, as misunderstandings could lead you to harassed moodiness. Try to attack all domestic problems with vigor rather than irritation and you could make constructive improvements. Getting together with friends or your loved ones is favored. Find any opportunity you can to network your skills. Keep an open mind, but do not agree just because someone is enthusiastic when presenting you with an offer. Refuse to let trivial matters get to you this month; the 18th's romantic New Moon keeps moving the amorous compass in the exact direction, trust your gut instincts. Do something that brings you joy, with someone who makes you feel young at heart. Celebrate Thanksgiving and say thanks for your most precious blessings.
Power Phrase: To serve is beautiful, but only if is done with joy and a whole heart.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22): November's star map is full of adventures; everything will be illuminated, about all your talents. The 4th's Full Moon on your status zone will bring you a considered promotion. On the 9th you will have the opportunity to be agreeable and cooperative with others; express your authority indirectly in group situations and you will gain greater respect than you would with an ultimatum. On the 18th, with the New Moon mooring on your domestic sector, you will handle family matters, sensitive issues will surfaces at home; be careful how you respond, be honest about what you want to see happen. Set the tone and plan your dinner for Thanksgiving. Be grateful for all you have, especially your family; share a special moment with the ones you love. Think matters through before you do or say something you will regret. Do your best to eliminate excess and overreacting.
Power Phrase: There is only one real failure in life that is possible, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Patience is November's best policy. Short trips, visiting people you love and doing things with family members will improve your days. This could be a month of considerable confusion, when your communications are hopelessly misunderstood or perhaps not even delivered. Be wary of idealizing persons or situations. Now is the time to study any kind of religious, spiritual or mystical subject. You may discover a psychic side to your consciousness that you have not noticed before, because you have been so busy rushing around; it is quite likely that you will have an enlightenment experience. Listening will be particularly important if you want to avoid making an impulsive choice. Do not get angry, get moving, it is up to you to make the adjustments needed to ensure that you get what you want. Taking action and living up to your promises will encourage others to do the same. Celebrate Thanksgiving with a smile in your face and give thanks for your best jewel: your family.
Power Phrase: When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Beginning this month, take a close look at your money situation and how much you owe; cut your personal overhead and make a point to collect money that is owed to you. Offer to help a cause you believe in. Your insight and desire to do something nice for others will boost your reputation. Your best day is the 13th, when your lovely ruler, Venus will conjunct with benefic Jupiter; if you are having a romance, your emotional life can be tremulous with great expectations and profuse feelings. Take care of business, holding out from what needs to be addressed, will only make matters worse. Compromise will be necessary if you want to take advantage of exciting opportunities. You could make changes to the way you make money around the 18th; how you use your skills will brighten your day and help you to negotiate a promising future. Do not hesitate in celebrate Thanksgiving surround yourself with family and friends.
Power Phrase: It takes courage to faithfully follow what we know is true.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Think outside the box, when you are looking for that special something for someone you love. Keep a clear head, emotional situations will interfere with your logic and reasoning, causing you to make poor assumptions. Too much of anything will end up holding you back. Collaborate around the 13th with someone you find intriguing and you will discover you have a lot in common; a close knot will form fast, leading to new plans. Say little until you know exactly what's coming down the pipeline; it is up to you to monitor and control whatever comes your way if you want to come out on top. Make a point to change your appearances, do everything in your power to secure your position. Look for the good in everyone on Thanksgivings day, do not let old problems surface on this important day, just be grateful for your must precious gems: your family and friends.
Power Phrase: Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This month proceed with caution when dealing with matters that can affect your health. If you improve your diet, you will feel better. Be true to yourself and to your beliefs, do not let anyone twist your arm or coax you into doing something that does not feel right. Stay on top of any partnership issues; if you neglect to take care of your responsibilities, you will have to make up for negligence later. Look at your options and consider all consequences before you make a move, be careful who you trust or what you believe. On the 13th, take life in stride, live in the moment and give yourself the opportunity to use your imagination. When Neptune places its anchor in your natural fourth house, your domestic life will undergo many strange and subtle changes, your home life could become a source of confusion. Clarify this atmosphere and set up everything for your Thanksgiving celebration.
Power Phrase: Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Love could materialize through the passing of the New Moon on the 4th by your idyllic house. Try to handle pleasures using your experience and make alterations based on common sense. Change can be good, but not if it is made in haste or for the wrong reasons. On the 11th, you will be inclined to feel lonely and out of touch with others, you should be very careful about falling into negative thinking about yourself. You could have opportunities to improve your domestic and family relationships on the 13th. Get involved in events that will present you a chance to engage in interesting conversations with people who see things from another perspective. Put your heart and soul into bringing about changes that will inspire your lifestyle. Turn your energy on Thanksgiving celebration; say thanks for your greatest gift: your family
Power Phrase: Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Your love life and relationships will be the source of changes in your life this month. Someone may come into your existence who is unusual or independent, and who could have a marked effect in your feelings. Your home will also require a lot of attention at the Full Moon on the 4th; you will finally find your dream house or do massive renovations to the one you own. Pace yourself before you jump into something, make sure it won't cause friction at home or with someone you love. On the 18th, the New Moon brings major recognition for your talents. On the 20th, women will be emotionally unstable, with sudden health problems; trading, commodities or real estate can fluctuate and marketing is highly variable. Host a wonderful Thanksgiving's party and say thanks for your most irreplaceable possessions: your family and friends.
Power Phrase: Sing like birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.
Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20): Personal growth initiated in October pays off; on the 3rd you will feel calm, mellow and dreamy, someone may request your help or you may be called upon to work for others. Meetings travel and educational pursuits are favored on the 4th. Observe what others are doing, but do not follow them, just stay focused on what you love to do. Emotional situations will emerge, do your best to find solutions, but do not let anyone get away with treating you disrespectfully. Learn from those with more experience than you. Consider hosting 2017's Thanksgiving dinner, treasure your friends and family. No matter who stands in your way or tries to deny you the right to follow your bliss, show courage and refuse, to let insecurity set in. Sometimes it is best to look back before moving forward. You can make things happen if you reach out to precise people.
Power Phrase: Handle pressures using your experience will make life easier.