Sun Signs March '25
Sun Signs for March '25
Sun Sign columns are about success and happiness. This is shown by how the planets connect with your Sun Sign. The connection can be good or difficult. If difficult, we make suggestions to make it better.
The Sun is in Pisces in weeks 1, 2, and 3 focusing on our inner lives.
In week 4 it goes into active, young Aries.
Mercury and Venus are in Aries for most of the month.
There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th. The Moon is in Aries later on the 28th, the 29th, and much of the 30th. This eclipse makes us delight in life.
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse happens in Virgo on the 14th. The Moon is in Virgo on the 12th, the 13th & much of the 14th. We should rethink vision and mission under this eclipse.
Spring starts on the 20th as the Sun enters Aries.
The big story this month is the activity in the sign, Aries. We become where the planets are temporarily. We are young, active, and enthusiastic. Let's enjoy this, but watch out for impulse.
ARIES. You are stimulated by many things this month. You should feel active, young, and enthusiastic.
Mars squares you from Cancer this month. Enjoy the energy but slow down and be positive.
The Sun in week 4 and Mercury and Venus for most of the month are in your sign. This brings things and people to you with opportunity.
Moon in your sign on the 1st and 2nd brings people and events.
A New Moon Solar Eclipse adds to this later on the 28th , the 29th and much of the 30th and brings important people and events, and a new start.
TAURUS. Uranus is still in your sign. This can bring the unexpected but also new and unusual things and people. Seek the reliable.
Pluto is squaring you from Aquarius. This brings opportunity for learning and new friends. Watch out for force coming to you or from you.
Moon in your sign on the 3rd and 4th , later on the 30th and 31st brings people and events.
GEMINI. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 squares you from Pisces. You may be more in touch with your feelings, but try to harmonize them to get some good out of this.
Saturn and Neptune still square you from Pisces. They are bringing even more emotion. You may also be more practical while maintaining your imagination. Try to lift your spirits and stay focused.
Pluto trines you from Aquarius. This can bring powerful people and ideas.
Jupiter is still in your sign and brings good to you.
Moon in your sign on the 5th, 6th, and morning of the 7th brings important people and events.
CANCER. Mars continues in your sign this month. The energy is great, but stay calm, manage stress and take care with conflict.
The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 trine you from Pisces. Emotion is strong and helps with your agenda.
Saturn and Neptune also trine you from Pisces. You are more connected to your reality and your ideals.
The Sun in week 4 and Mercury and Venus for most of the month square you from Aries. You may feel more energetic. Try to value both staying in and going out.
Moon in your sign on the afternoon of the 7th, the 8th and much of the 9th brings people and events.
LEO. The Sun in week 4 and Mercury and Venus for most of the month trine you from Aries. This brings support, action and adventure.
Uranus is still squaring you from Taurus. Try to take care with money and that which is hard to move.
Pluto is opposing you from Aquarius. Try to be open to people and ideas but also try to avoid power struggles.
Moon in your sign later on the 9th, the 10th and 11th brings people and events.
VIRGO. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 opposes you from Pisces. Your vision may need to be reconnected with your mission.
Saturn and Neptune also oppose you from Pisces. Practicality and ideals need to work well with your goals.
Jupiter squares you from Gemini. Try to get good information and speak well.
Uranus still trines you from Taurus. This brings resources and good ideas.
Moon is in your sign on the 12th, 13, and much of the 14th bringing people and events.
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th brings important people and events and a focus on you. You may want to think of ways to increase your happiness.
LIBRA. Mars continues to square you. This can bring drive but manage stress if necessary.
The Sun in week 4 and Mercury and Venus for most of he month oppose you from Aries. This can bring a variety of people with opportunity. The people may be a bit abrupt.
Jupiter trines you from Gemini and brings information, people, and luck.
Pluto trines you from Aquarius and brings people and inner power.
Moon in your sign later on the 14th, 15th & 16th brings people and events.
SCORPIO. Mars is trining you from Cancer and bringing energy & drive.
The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 is trining you from Pisces and bringing support, especially emotional.
Saturn and Neptune continue to trine you from Pisces. They bring very different things, a sense of duty and a sense of poetry.
Uranus continues to oppose you. It brings the unusual but also the unexpected.
Pluto is squaring you from Aquarius. This can bring new people, but avoid power struggles, if they present.
Moon in your sign on the 17th, 18 and much of the 19th brings people and events.
SAGITTARIUS. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 squares you from Pisces. Your adventures could improve by addressing your emotions. Saturn and Neptune also square you from Pisces. Try to lift spirits and stay focused to help this.
Jupiter opposes you from Gemini. Getting good information and speaking well is paramount.
The Sun in week for and Mercury and Venus for most of the month trine you from Aries. This is very good and brings support and happiness.
Moon in your sign later on the 19th, the 20th and 21st brings people and events.
CAPRICORN. Mars opposes you from Cancer. This could bring drive and energetic people. But, manage stress if necessary.
The Sun in week 4 and Mercury and Venus for most of the month square you from Aries. This can bring you some spontaneity. Try to get along with impulsive types.
Uranus trines you from Taurus and brings resources and support.
Moon in your sign on the 22nd, the 23rd, and morning of the 24th brings important people and events.
AQUARIUS. Uranus is still squaring you from Taurus. You may become more practical, but expect surprises and take care with money.
Pluto is in your sign for years. Use force well and seek positive people.
Jupiter continues to trine you from Gemini. It brings support, information, and luck.
Moon in your sign on the afternoon of the 24th, the 25th and much of the 26th brings people and events.
PISCES. The Sun in weeks 1, 2, and 3 is in your sign. This is an opportunity to increase success and happiness.
Saturn and Neptune continue to be in your sign. Saturn can make you more disciplined. Neptune can give you an appreciation of the arts. But continue to look for that which gives you a spiritual lift and stay focused.
Mars continues to trine you from Cancer. This brings energy and action.
Jupiter continues to square you from Gemini. Try to communicate well.
Moon in your sign later on the 26th, the 27th and much of the 28th brings people and events.