Sun & Saturn are example of conflict management
Krishn Murari Jha
Service Delivery Manager Operations | Service Delivery Management, Client Communications | HIT | Remote Infrastructure Management
Why Sun & Saturn have conflicts with each other?
As per Hindu Vedas & "Vedicgranth", Sun is father of Saturn and her mother is Chhaya (Shadow). They have different ideology and working styles. In spite of being Father and Son they should have close bonding's but it's just opposite wherein Sun represents soul and Saturn represents fate. They are still present in our universe to serve the entire world as per their nature & responsibilities.
Now, let's corelate our daily life and work life, there could be situation wherein your working styles & nature doesn't match with your manager/leaders but it doesn't mean that you will stop spreading positives vibes around you whether it's professional and personal circle to create better future and excellent work culture. It can be applied anywhere, family, friends, organizations etc. So start spreading happiness and positiveness. Enjoy your personal ad professional life.