6. To be a "Shining Star"
As highlighted in all previous article published by me on this linked site, the things that I share on the article are the experiences and approach, that has helped me and proved to be good, simple and easy. This is one observation that we missed in day to day life or in our daily Cycle.
But when you observes the others who have been successful, you will see this traces.
And here it starts, we have all studied about the Solar System and planets during our school days, where we were infused with the knowledge of how it works, its characteristic and other finer details.
To be honest its super beautiful, google the Images of the planets and it will leave you mesmerized, some with water, some with gases, some with Life, some with outer rings and 4 small satellite moons revolving around those planets, all in precise formation and uniform speed, Emitting lights of different colors like Red, Brown, Blue, Violet… Yes, Mystical and geniuses.
But have you ever thought, what’s driving the entire Solar System, what’s making this system runs, what is the engine of this machine ?
No, definitely not those beautiful planet with life, gases and outer rings, but the Planet which, is burning Day and Night, 24/7, and 365 a days, giving up his dream of having the Life on his soil, giving up his any satellite planet and beautiful pics that can be taken through orbiter.
Interestingly, Sun has all the characteristic of being a blooming planet with life and water. Sun is full of water, (boiling water) Oxygen and Hydrogen. And Sun has option to be “Planet” or to be a “STAR “ . A option that expects it to burn him, day night, and provide the source of energy to the other planet so that they can survive. No one can go near this Sun, neither can it have any life on his soil. And the Sun choses to be the “STAR”, illuminating the universe or solar system with lights and providing other planets with its life.
This is why it is said “ Ki AAG honi chaiye” or “one should have the fire in belly”, and only then one shines. And shine comes from the fire within, and fire come by burning the stuff within, and where the stuff comes from?? it is You and your efforts.
So to be STAR, one have to put everything in line, burn, no matter which date is that, which day of the week or whatever it may be. Nothing can come in between, persistent, perseverance, and the hard work. And one has to do all day, every day, and every minutes.
You know the best prize that a Sun Enjoys for all this sacrifice and hard work, he is worshipped next to GOD, not in only one civilization but civilization across from the start of the life and he will be worshipped till the end of the Life
So before going on any work,
Step 1 :- Decide what you want to Do
Step 2 :- What your work should speaks, is it Star Work or whether it is Planet performance
Step 3 :- And then Kick the Cans..
Disclaimer :- it might happen the people might ignore the work or will comment saying not upto the Mark, don’t lose your heart and stop your efforts…..
The thing is that matters most is the whether you have given your best, if yes, do not to feel bad…raise the bar high next time …
All the Best !!!!!!!!!!!!!