Sun influence in Aguarius

Sun influence in Aguarius

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

So I decided to share with you information about the events that await representatives of the 12 signs of the Zodiac from 4 pm on February 13 to 1 pm on March 14 this 2021 .

At this time, our Sun will be in the sign of Aquarius , ruled by Saturn .

Aquarius - is a sign of the information and the greatest discoveries and more stepneni managed by his second master - Uranus , although Uranus from Earth is at 3 and 5 billion kilometers , Saturn is only 1 and 5 billion kilometers .

Of course, the Sun in this sign acts weaker relative to other signs , not counting the sign of Libra , where the Sun is in the fall and finally loses its strength , but nevertheless the Sun is also weak here and in the comments where it is written that it works well , then you can half-discard this action his !

Therefore, children born during this period will have a weak heart and impaired vision , but an unusually strong mind and abilities in electrical engineering, and many of them will become engineers , since this sign is associated with unusually strong mental abilities and the ability to communicate in any human environment society and in any social strata!

However, we should not deviate from the theme of the transit of the Sun through this sign and its influence on the Moon of the birth of a single person .

Let's traditionally start from the sign of Aries , where the Sun is in the sign of its exaltation and at the moment of being in this sign - warmth comes to the earth and Spring comes!

But in this case, we will consider the position of the Sun from the Moon of the birth of any person!

People , who have the Moon at birth is in the sign of Aries , then we will make it count down from the sign of Aries

and this will be the position of the Sun from the Moon in the 11th house:

Sun in the 11th house: this month is usually very favorable, as the 11th house is associated with the house of income, acquisitions, desire and joy and all planets give a favorable result,

it is assumed that this month will increase your income and help in the fulfillment of your goals and personal desires, ask for an increase in salary or expect any bonuses, this is a good time to do any work or project with friends, since the 11th house is also the home of friends , a good period for enjoying entertainment, pleasure from sex, as well as rest and free time, this is a month of acquisitions and excessive hobbies, at this time you can look and feel better than at other times of the year and feel satisfaction ..

For those whose Moon was in the sign of Taurus at birth, this will be the position of the Sun in the 10th house:

this is the best time to move up in their careers , at work or other endeavors, since the house 10 c reads the house work, career, wealth, power and influence ... a good time to bring the plan to the bitter end,

try to improve your work situation at this time, act boldly and do things that will spread your fame, new opportunities for work may arise, you can expect to be involved in humanitarian work and increase your work and professional status ...

For those whose Moon was in the sign of Gemini at birth, this will be the position of the Sun in the 9th house:

this is the best time for realizing spiritual values, visiting religious temples and a cult house for any deity who is personally associated with you, as well as for ordering the functioning of the body as a whole, a good time to prepare for the future and to visit your father,

since the 9th house is considered the home of the father, religion and fortune,

this is a good time to satisfy the bosses, there is a possibility of long and long journeys or separation for a while from those who are dear to you, this is a good time to receive valuable advice and convincing instructions, watch out - if you always have enough modesty and humility, during this period it may be litigation in court or disputes with bosses or with people in power, fines and other measures of state punishment may be imposed, during this period the uncertainty of your future increases ...

For those whose Moon was in Cancer at birth, this will be the position of the Sun in the 8th house:

this month is materially worse than the rest, but it provides material support to those who understand the falsity of worldly affairs, beware of poor health and impulsive actions, since this period is associated with death, danger to health, body, danger to life, as well as the doom of the spirit and body, postpone a long journey until next month , if possible, weakness of digestion, eye diseases and disputes with higher people may occur, bad habits, diseases associated with the excretory system of the body, bad habits and so on, may appear,

but this is a good time to find the lost, for periods of solitude and meditation, do not rely only on your own strength, seek help from your loved ones and friends.

During this period, it is advisable to wear a massive copper chain on the left hand - for women, on the right hand - for men, since the Sun is associated with copper, and it is advisable to drink from copper dishes - water, tea and various liquids ...

For those people whose Moon was at the time of birth in the sign of Leo, this means the Sun in the 7th house:

this is the right time for doing business, social activities, short trips and charity work, beware of disagreements in marital matters, or disagreements with your partners, strong sexual desire may arise,

since the 7th house is considered the house of sex and marriage, be very attentive to people close to you - do not offend them, and also keep an eye on those to whom you have provided a job, because the 7th house is considered the house of scammers and deceit, evaluate your human qualities and your classes - because at this time you will be in full view of many people and you will be judged by your behavior, but this is a good time to attend ceremonies , as well as to take care of your appearance, and naturally improve your reputation, think about what good you can do for others people, since at this time the Sun will brightly illuminate your personality, that is, the Sun will stand opposite you and all people will see you so clearly and distinctly that you cannot hide from it!


For those who had the Moon at birth in the sign of Virgo , it means that the Sun is in the 6th house:

a good time for political affairs, holding pickets, rallies and demonstrations, litigation in court against defendants, in order to pay off debts, to defeat your enemies and overcome the issues of illness,

you will be able to satisfy your higher-level people by work with dedicated service and professional zeal, you will become bolder, happier and spiritually developed person, this time is also good for traveling abroad, for applying for the desired job, as well as improving relations with your opponents, receiving financial assistance from the government, to visit doctors and take medications, to learn foreign languages, as well as to engage in import and export operations ...


For those whose Moon of birth was in the sign of Libra - this will be the position of the Sun in the 5th house:

this is a very bad time for making acquaintances in romantic affairs, for relationships with the other sex, even regardless of the status of family relations, not the right time for conceiving a child and having sex, beware of eating untested food, as it is at this time that stomach diseases occur and intestines, that is, all sorts of ulcers and cramps in the gastrointestinal tract, postpone investing in a commercial enterprise of any kind until next month, until the Sun sets in the 6th house from the Moon of birth, there may be anxiety in studying and craving for prayer and conversion to super - natural forces, usually at this time the mind is not calm, but this is a great time for playing sports, for good communication with people of the same sex, as well as preparing for what awaits you in the future, be sure to watch out for the dangers that threaten your children , since the 5th house is the house of children and the Sun, which is a malicious planet, does not particularly spare them, consider the possibility of gas in the stomach, it is very likely that your work is not efficient ...


For those whose Moon of birth was in the sign of Scorpio, this will be the position of the Sun in the 4th house:

some mental agitation, as well as anxiety from others and even friends, one can expect anxiety related to the house, that is, with the possible theft and loss of one's personal and household property, at this time the criminal activity of thieves, as well as harm from a personal car ( accident, loss of it, and so on),

mother's illness and tedious household chores can be expected - house renovation and so on, there may be anxiety associated with getting an education, resentment and overstrain are possible, but this is a good time to worship the mother, as well as to immerse in yourself (meditation), try to acquire the right skills in your field of business, insure your personal property and don't let others deceive you ...


For those who had the Moon at birth in the sign of Sagittarius, this will be the position of the Sun in the 3rd house:

in general, this is a good month, health improvement is expected, great courage is shown, since the 3rd house is associated with courage and courage, new sources of income will suddenly appear, this is a good month to demonstrate your abilities, namely: for good work of hands and vocal cords, and also for acquiring what you wanted to acquire, this period is also good for correspondence, fruitful communication with strangers, for writing and expressing your feelings, in order to see relatives from among brothers and sisters, nephews and maternal and paternal uncles, telephone negotiations,

and also for taking oaths, vows and oaths, very good news can be received, and you can also purchase new property ...

this month is best for making the right decisions ...


For those whose Moon was in the sign of Capricorn at birth, this will be the position of the Sun in the 2nd house:

during this period, a lack of money or their loss is expected, postpone financial decisions or investing them in other enterprises until next month, that is, before the transit of the Sun in the 3rd house, beware of excessive appetite, since the 2nd house is also the house of food .. and The sun, as a malevolent planet, will have its destructive effect on the gastrointestinal tract in the digestion and absorption of food, there may be dental diseases and eye diseases,

as well as a tendency to speak bad words about others, friction can be felt in family life, especially during this period, do not make empty promises and do not borrow money, since the 2nd house is also a house of money, beware of boasting and speaking about yourself in a flattering manner, and close your eyes to the actions of your family members - at this time you are very helpless and you can be crushed both mentally and morally, finding your past sins and reminding you of this, have extra money on hand before this month begins ...


For those whose Moon was in the sign of Aquarius at birth, this will be the position of the Sun in the 1st house:

the urge to travel is strongly manifested, the body may become unhealthy and suffer from overstrain, since 1 house is associated with the body and face of a person,

there is a tendency to be self-centered or to show oneself in public, there is a concern for their personal desires or problems, since the 1st house is also compared to the ego of a person or his self,

at this time, you must first of all take care of your health and mood, this month is favorable for visiting places where rituals are performed - fashion shows, weddings, anniversaries or birthdays and so on ... as well as ordering habits related to the body, evaluate your lifestyle and choose a new direction in this, if there is a suitable proposal, beware of anxiety, engage in self-awareness, and also strive for something sublime ...


The moon in each sign of the zodiac is on average two and a half days, which are very seriously taken into account in Indian astrology ... it is desirable that a person knows under which moon he was born, that is, in what sign of the zodiac the moon was at the time of his birth, as this gives an accurate picture of the transit of the Sun from the Moon of the birth of a person and shows what events are expected during this or that month.

Usually, the position of the moon is calculated taking into account the precession angle of 24 degrees and 7 minutes at the present time, but those who were born earlier will need calculations for that time of birth, since the European school of astrology does not calculate these values and the position of the moon will be wrong!

If someone cannot independently determine the Moon of their birth, then please write to my email: [email protected] or on skype: marsel-kami. or on the website: or on the vibe: +380675560814  

Best regards,

Professor of the Indian School of Astrology from Odessa (Ukraine) Marsel Kamaletdinov!


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