The Sun Company Blog
The Sun Company Blog
The aim with The Sun Company Blog is to shine the light on products and services that actually work. These days there are zillions of self help articles and tools available.
Often the question is “where to start?”
Personally I have invested and investigated hundreds of programs over the past 25 odd years. Some are good some not so good.
The idea around the blog is to provide a guide and honest opinion on some of the programs I have been involved with.
These opinions are mainly my own and based on my own experiences.
As a Life Hacker I have sought out programs promoting body mind and soul to create resonance on all these levels.
I have found in using many of these programs that one needs to focus on programs promoting unity on all these levels as opposed to a singular level or dimension.
Many people seem stuck on a single level or dimension believing only in the physical everyday and mundane level.
It would seem for many people tomorrow and yesterday hold no meaning.
In the following months I will be describing some of these programs in details, and leave it up to the reader to hold choice to investigate or discard.
Back in the day there were no online guides to go by, infact no internet or computers to speak of.
These days many aspects are simplified by available technology. The world is getting smaller everyday as result. If one had to use the technology available twenty years ago to put together a review and comment blog of this nature it would have taken a few years to firstly get all the information centralised and then to release it to the general public in printed form only. There was no possibility of spreading such information to thousands of people through the click of a few buttons.
I therefore have a sincere wish that many people will benefit from this.
Regular updates will be posted on kindly follow and receive updates.