Summoning Your Inner Child To Grow Your Brand
Jerome Patrick Jr
Practice Social Business Intelligence at United States Postal Service | Lifelong Learner and Designer of Products
I have an adult daughter named Chloe, who is on the autism spectrum.
One of her challenges is having anxiety around asking for things.
It can sometimes be the smallest requests that are valid needs she has and I find her pacing, swallowing, and breathing hard before asking a question.
Much of her anxiety is wrapped around hearing the word No.
In many of these situations, I support and instruct her about not being scared of hearing no.?
To have courage.
Gain reason and understanding.
Be Persistence.
Share her reasoning for the request.?
Remember closed mouths don't get fed.
Side note on reasoning in requests....
In the Book, Influence the Psychology of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini , he shares the principle of Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer.
A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we provide a reason. People like to have reasons for what they do.
With that said.
Don’t you remember being a kid asking your parents for things??
May I have candy?
May I have a happy meal?
Can I have the new Nintendo?
With some persistence and patience, you may have received what you requested.
We were quite relentless in our pursuit of things at a young age.
This has led me to this question.....
Have the No's beat us to a pulp as we aged?
Where we are not capitalizing on potential opportunities because of the fear of hearing no?
As I worked on this article I saw this post from Sahil Bloom which is in total alignment with the thoughts.
As I write this to you I start to think about how many times I have left my mouth closed.
For what?
We only have one life and to live with regrets because we didn't shoot the shot sucks.
How do we change that?
How do we recapture that inner child mentality?
To Reprogram, Refresh, and Lean into our destiny and represent our best to the people we seek to serve.
I ran into a gem that I want to share with you that may get us there.
Do you know Noah Kagan the founder and CEO of AppSumo?
He recently released the book, Million Dollar Weekend.
He discusses creating the rejection muscle by setting rejection goals.
One way he suggests doing so is going into your local cafe/smoothie shop and asking for a discount.
Another way he suggests is asking a friend or someone random for a $1.
If you are working with a prospective client and you believe you can serve them ask for the sale.
We all know that the business game is a numbers game anyway. ????
I believe channeling your inner child and considering the asking practice as a game could be a game-changer in achieving higher-level success.
We don't have to go far to see those who stay persistent in this game be the most successful.
When that urge to keep your mouth shut comes on...
Go straight Chucke Cheese ?? ?? on the situation.
Go to an inner child mindset....Where you can be a kid!
I know I know this may be random or corny.
But could we possibly create an environment for us as grown-ups to utilize our inner child to be successful professionally?
Just a thought.
Learning Currently
Been trying to learn how to be a YouTuber recently, I invite you on this journey with me to help one another be what we desire to be.
Don't be afraid to share some pointers, I greatly appreciate it.
Status update I recently made 100 Subs! ??
Just want to say thanks who have subscribed or plan on it!
Books I'm Reading
Just completed The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel , love the stories and principles about how to think about money in this little gem. Chapter 6, "Tails You Win", is my favorite part of the book.
Also completed The Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan , a great gem for the startups in this group. A lot of great cost-effective gems to practice in this book if you are bootstrapping your business. Planning to do a re-read on this one.
Up next is Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, I am a fan of this space because I believe that everyone can find their true genius by tapping into their flow space.
In the Queue, 50 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
Join the Band!
I'm currently working on a community newsletter for personal brands to embrace their forever love of work and support them to find their ideal audience.
I called it the Forever Brand Band Community.
If you are ready to discover, define, design, and deliver your personal brand's promise this may be for you.
I guess I would be remiss if I did not practice an action from Noah's book.
May I have a dollar to start a newsletter geared towards saving date nights for couples?
My Cashapp is $patrickcompany
Have a great week!