Summer's Mid-Point - did you?
So as my anniversary approaches (July 16th) I am reminded that this is the mid-point for many of summer. It's about a month or so before students head back to school and you, your employees and/or co-workers become stressed about the long list of "to-do's" to get their children ready for a new school year. What I think about, at this time were all those grand plans I made in April or May about (This summer I will!) and look over that list and see if I did accomplished any or all of them.
Mid-July is the time to focus on taking the time to really enjoy the fruits of summer, the warm days, all the outdoor activities, and the built in attitude of calm that most people have during these lazy days of summer. Now I am not advocating being lazy, on the contrary, I am advocating being more proactive and getting up earlier and getting things done so you can enjoy the beauty and, in the south, HEAT!
So how to accomplish this, well three easy steps:
- Get up early and work hard and keep a schedule: I don't typically set an alarm but in the summer I do, up by 5 or 5:30 at work (in my home office by 6) work til about 9:30 and take a swim break. I take about an hour to get outside and enjoy the heat, get some exercise and spend time with family (if they are home). It makes it so much easier to get back inside and work again (so 3.5 hours of my day accomplished). Back in by 10:30, work again til 2 PM and take my lunch break, either out to lunch or just outside by the pool. Now I have put in a solid 7 hours and sometimes I call it a day at this point. Just think about it, if you work hard when everyone else is either not at work or just waking you can get half your day done before interruptions.
- Enjoy moments by separating from distractions: When you are NOT at work, be sure you present by leaving your phone off, stay off social media until weekends, make appointments to spend time with family and friends so you don't miss out on these opportunities. Be grateful for each opportunity away from your work but also be grateful for your work. I have found gratitude is everything in making our work life and home life better.
- Do Something About It: If you feel stressed, overburdened, overwhelmed . . . take action. Do something about it. I have been stressing over my house and it not being clean - you see I work from home and when I am not working I am playing, especially in the summer. I still have cooking and laundry to get done and well, it just doesn't get done. So, I bit the bullet and interviewed house cleaners and after they told me how dirty my house was, I selected one and have alleviated that burden. Yes, there is a cost associated with it, but I am willing to cut back on expenses to afford my family me, unburdened. Think about it - is there something you can pass off? If so, do it.
My sister says, life is too long - why spend it burdened and unhappy. I say, the same, time is limited especially what's left of summer break - so make it happen, achieve what you hoped to do and just enjoy the beauty of summer.