Summer workshops & travel tips
Summer Workshops
Save the date for two workshops designed to improve your health and wellbeing.
If you missed the Mind & Body Self-care Workshop this Spring, join me on Saturday, July 20th for a half day event. It's the perfect opportunity to jumpstart your long term fitness and wellbeing journey. Registration is open now!
Then level up and start crushing your 2024 goals! Join me for the Planning & Goal Setting Workshop on Saturday, August 10th for another half day event. Mark your calendar now. Registration opens soon.
Office Hours is another great opportunity to get the support you need to assess your goals, evaluate your progress and fine-tune your plan. Join me on Sunday evenings at 4 PM Pacific starting June 2nd. Sign up Now!
Summer Travel
Summer travel season has started. If you're looking for trip ideas, the travel menu of The Wellbeing Blog has insights on where to go and what to do.
Tips to stay healthy and make the most of your summer travels:
1/ Pack some bands for a great workout wherever your travels take you.
If you're not sure how to use them, follow Pilates & on Linked In or Shannon Smith Living on your favorite social channel for short workouts that you can do anywhere.
2/ Set a budget for food for your travel meals.
According to CBS News it's the one thing that most people forget to budget and it's the one thing that is going to blow your summer travel budget this year. Get some of my favorite healthy meal deals from Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh.
3/ Don't over plan your trip.
Create space in your plan for the simple pleasures like a lazy Sunday to recharge.
Happy Memorial Day!
Transform your organization
Reach out to me for help transforming your organization for the next generation of work, whether you need help developing a strategy, programming or ongoing services. I am open to new clients in Canada and the United States.
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