Summer Travel and Microsoft Project
Minerva Goree
Mathematician and Engineer - YouTube @MadSchedules, @Budgetwithminerva, @talkswithMinervaGoree, @MusicbyMinerva, @magnificencewithMinerva
Here I am thinking about my summer travel. I've been doing a lot of traveling lately and I love it. I try to stay on a budget and that makes it possible for me to travel more than I ever thought.
I spent most of my adult life until a couple of years ago just doing the normal thing and staying home and being a professional mathematician and project management expert as a MS Project Engineering Scheduler as a stay-at-home mom.
Now I just get up and travel wherever I want in the United States. I really love Hawaii but spend a lot of time in a lot of places withing the continental US. I fly and I also do road trips all over the place.
So, what does this have to do with Microsoft Project. Well, I haven't mentioned that I'm a nerd although you already figured it out. I'm thinking that I can use #MicrosoftProject more diligently this summer to plan out my projects of travel.
If you didn't know, MS Project is a project management tool to manage any type of project. It's geared toward individual projects small and large. I would caution that it probably shouldn't be used as one file for a really large program. Large project yes, large program no.
Anyway, how would I use it? Well, I need to think of what is needed for the project. Each time I travel I think it should be easier to travel to any destination, but then things like weather, time of year, location, and other considerations get in the way, and it becomes more complicated than initially thought.
Then you may have to coordinate with other people on whether it is vacation or tourism.... on whether it's event driven, or activity driven... etcetera etcetera. I would tell you it's better to do it alone completely, but that's almost impossible, I guess.
I should probably come up with an example and make an image to put here or a video to put on my YouTube channel... but I don't know. Will it bring value to me? Will it bring value to others?
We always have to be cognizant of our budget for time and value. A budget is not necessarily used to use the least amount of time and value. It should be used to bring the most amount of value with quality.
by Minerva Goree - Mathematician
Find me at YouTube @MadSchedules and @BudgetwithMinerva