A Summer Term #MondayMix
Rachel Iles
Exploring learning across sectors. I help organisations and individuals identify opportunities for learning with, and from each other.
Monday mornings often remind me how a day working in education really can’t be scripted!
Content can fluctuate somewhere between the strategically planned to totally random, to invigorating, to side-swiping & back again! Arriving in the morning, a #dayattheoffice in a dynamic international learning environment, populated by a community of nearing 600 people of all ages, one simply cannot script what any day will reveal.
I haven’t written a #MondayMix in some months in a period when Mondays were becoming increasingly full schedules, so I felt it’s time to write and capture a little of summer term organization in full swing.
Each term in an academic year features core events and in Term 3 that means #reporting season, staffing plans, Flying On (graduation) ceremonies and transition. We are also in the first stages of building work for expansion to a 3-18 campus which brings a further layer of logistics to the mix.
One week in June began with: ... continue reading