Summer Term 2022 at RWTH starts soon
On 4th of April the new summer term starts. IFS is offering several interesting courses not only for Railway enthusiasts. This semester we start with the German version of "Principles of Rail Vehicle Technology", which is a bachelor's course.
"Rail Vehicle Vibration Dynamics" will be held in German and in English as well as "Mechatronic Systems in Vehicle Engineering" which is a common course that I hold with my colleague Lutz Eckstein from the automotive engineering institute ika.
"Structural integrity of Railway Vehicles" is a course that we offer since last year, when we started with a 1h/week lesson by Dr. Burkhard Arras from Siemens Mobility, Krefeld. Now we doubled the course contents by taking in Dr. Alois Starlinger from Stadler, St. Margrethen, Switzerland.
All courses are open also for students that are not specializing in Railways but are curious enough to learn about it. We plan to hold all lessons and exercises in the classroom.
I hope to see you there.