Summer Solstice: Stand Still in Love
Hi, Everyone,The Solstice occurs today at 4:51 pm EST, which is one of two points on the Ecliptic when the Sun is farthest North or South. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its maximum height and stops to stand still to assess what we have built and experienced since the last Solstice in December, and the promise of the next six months ahead of us.The Solstice chart represents what the summer season holds for us and is a time to honor the energy, and what you want to accomplish. There has been a huge Gemini influence recently, and it has felt too scattered, rushed, and overwhelming. The New Moon in Gemini had five points in the sign of Gemini, and your mind can go in many different directions and have trouble focusing.
It felt almost like Mercury in Retrograde in that there were so many conversations, but who was really listening? On June 17th, two personal planets segued into Cancer from Gemini and slowed the pace for all of us, so that we can recharge. The theme is more centered on home,family, comfort, self care,soul nurturing, and nourishment. The theme of Gemini is learning, socializing, connecting, networking, and getting involved with local environemnt. Cancer is much more concerned with self care, enjoying the pleasures of home, curling up with a good book under the covers, enjoying a nourishing meal with people you love, and resting and binging on a good series on Netflix.
Mercury, the planet of communication, learning, thoughts, and ideas, left the sign of Gemini on June 17th and will tour in the emotional water sign of Cancer through July 2, 2024. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and value, also entered the Cardinal water sign of Cancer on June 17th and will hang out in this sign through July 11, 2024. Jupiter, the Grand Benefic, transits in Gemini through June of next year; therefore, we call continue to expand through learning, connecting, socializing, and getting involved locally. However, you should not feel pressured if you do not feel like doing it this weekend or in the next week.
This is a time to focus on self. This morning, the Sun in Gemini made a challenging square to Neptune in Pisces, at 2:12 am EST at 29 degrees and 53 minutes of Gemini and Pisces. This is our introduction to the Solstice because the Solstice does not occur until 4:51 pm EST when the Sun enters the Cardinal water sign of Cancer and officially begins Cancer season; as well as the Summer season in the Northern Hemisphere, and the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere. With the Sun squaring Neptune at the very last degree of the Zodiac, there is a pronounced sense of loss, feeling lost, vulnerability, dreams, and illusion.
Although this aspect is ephemeral, its message is impactful. We are navigating very uncertain times in which our intellect and intutition are our biggest assets, yet we we will often be in conflict with both. We need to let it flow, trust, and learn. Trust no one, but do not become jaded. What a fine line!The Solstice occurs at 4:51 EST when the Sun enters the Cardinal water sign of Cancer. I cast the chart for Washington DC, and the chart has Scorpio rising, which has Mars and Pluto as the rulers of the chart. There are three points in the Cancer, which urge you to rest, recharge, and do things that bring you comfort. These three points in Cancer fall in the eighth house, which is the Scorpio house of death, rebirth, wounds, healing, and transformation. Healing is a huge focus in this Solstice chart. The Sun represents ego and identity; Venus represents how you partner, what you love and value; Mercury, represents how you communicate.
In the Solstice chart, my eyes dart right to the Pisces section, in which Saturn is slowing down and is now at 19 degrees. Saturn retrogrades on June 29, 2024 at 19 degrees and 26 minutes of the mutable water sign of Pisces. We will feel it five days before and five days afterwards. When an outer planet stations, it intensifies the energy of the planet. Saturn represents rules, regulations, authority figures, structures, limits, and karma. You could feel pressured and feel you like are not working hard enough to structure the dream, which is Saturn in Pisces. Saturn is about working with boundaries; Pisces is completely boundless.
It is kind an irony, but think of it as trying to be patient to work hard to anchor and structure the dream. There are five points in water in this Solstice chart, which says that logic is not where it's at right now -- whether you like that or not. Just as Saturn slows down and retrogrades at the end of the month, Neptune transits at the final degree of the Zodiac! Yeah, you heard me right! Not only is only transiting at the final degree of Pisces, this is the final degree of the entire Zodiac that encompasses all of the wisdom, hardships, trials, tribulations, and lessons of all of the preceding signs.
Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces is a Fixed Star known as Scheat, which is 28 to 29 degrees of Pisces. It is connected with suicide and self-undoing. It is a very difficult placement of the Zodiac. Many people that have Scheat in their charts are natural empaths, artists, and creative people. Not everyone that has that in their chart self destructs, but it is a quality that is undeniably associated with Scheat. Therefore, be mindful of people around you that struggle with depression and addiction. Check in on yourself.
If anything, the Universe is lining up to bring new opportunities and choices to create, innovate, and heal; but, there has been so much loss and time in this process. Neptune is tired, and so are we. We will definitely feel the buildup of the Neptune station at the end of June and in early July. Remember that the Sun squared Neptune on the day of the Solstice at 2:12 am EST and reminded us all of our vulnerability, fraility, creatity, magic, dreams, and empathy. We are human. With all of the AI and Pluto in Aquarius themes, it is critical to go back to the soul. Saturn and Neptune will NOT let you forget that fact.There is a Full Moon on June 21, 2024 at 9:08 pm EST at 1 degree and 7 minutes of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn.
This energy is so different from the Cancerian energy that wants to relax and take care of home and self. The sign of Capricorn is so goal oriented, and we are dealing with the dichotomy of needing to get things done and needing to find more balance. Too many gadgets going off, and not enough focus. When all of the personal planets were transiting in Gemini, I found myself write four emails to myself within ten minutes of a to-do list that I needed to do the following day. Did I get any accomplished? I don't even remember; but, I do remember how it felt to see so many email reminders and realized that was a message that I do not feel balanced enough.
This Full Moon is the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn. In the Full Moon on June 21st, the moon is by the world point, which is at 0 degrees of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricron. It speaks back to when Pluto initially entered Capricorn in 2008/2009 when the Financial Collapse occurred.The second Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 21, 2024 and will be at 29 degrees and 9 minutes of Capricorn.
The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, which has slowed down for all of us to process what we have been working on since Saturn initially entered Pisces on March 7, 2023. Saturn rules Capricorn in modern Astrology, where it is in full command. It is quite another story in Pisces, but we are all trying to anchor a dream, which may feel slippery. The second Full Moon in Capricorn is very significant because Pluto will dip back into Capricorn from September 1 through November 19, 2024 at the very last degree of Capricorn, which is 29 degrees. This finalizes the Pluto in Capricorn story that began officially on January 27, 2008 when Pluto initially entered Capricorn!
This second half of the year says goodbye to a lot of things that have not yet been released. Remember that Pluto is still newly in the sign of Aquarius, where it will be for the next two decades. We are letting go out of outdated systems and ways of doing things. We are birthing a whole new society and world.
With five points in water in the Solstice and Full Moon charts, the theme is more on developing your intuition, manifesting, dreaming, and love. Chiron, the wounded healer, transits at 23 degrees of the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries, which is by the world point and sets off the legendary Saturn/Pluto conjunction that changed the world forever on January 12, 2020.
This speaks to healing. Chiron was exactly conjunct the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024. All of these points in water urge you to slow down and take care of self. The two full moons in Capricorn remind you that we are all letting go of an era, and that our goals are still as important; but, your mental health is, too. #astrology #solstice #summersolstice #horoscope #zodiacSummer Solstice: Stand Still in Love