The Summer Solstice, The Longest Day Of The Year Is Almost Here!
The summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year, dictates the astronomical onset of summer - which takes place in late June in the Northern Hemisphere. The timing is not dictated by a particular calendar date, but based on when the Sun reaches its most northern point from the Equator.?
The summer solstice is, in some ways, just another day. But, it also marks the constant shifts in time that we all experience. Just like the equinoxes and winter solstice, it can be seen as another marker of time passing connecting us with the seasons, harvests, and our own livelihoods, cultures, and communities. The solstice reminds us that we are in fact halfway back to a dark winter, and that these rhythms are constant and integral to life. It reminds us to pause, appreciate, and take note. It prompts us to appreciate the daylight, warm soil, and bounty of summer.?
?How to celebrate the summer solstice:?
?What’s ripening in your garden right now? Strawberries? Zucchini? Beans? Fragrant herbs? Harvest your garden’s bounty and take them to your kitchen. Create a beautiful meal for you and your friends. Feast on the gifts of summer!?
?Gather around a large, lively bonfire with your loved ones. In the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, folks celebrate the solstice by lighting fires all over the mountainsides. These flames represent their conjoined communities and the ability of the sun to give life and therefore give us each other. Join them with your own celebration!
?This is a great time to check in with your garden plan. Have you been weeding as much as you should be? Are you due for another fertilization? Have you taken the time your garden deserves to simply sit there and appreciate the growth? Take a minute to yourself this time of year, and appreciate all the summer has to offer.
Feel free to follow along as I share the things that I'm growing in my backyard garden here:?