Summer with the Slug Rats

Summer with the Slug Rats


Before we’d had children, Dr. Deb and I had heard a speaker talking about the passage of time. He’d said, “People who’ve raised kids will tell you they’re two, they’re twelve, they’re gone.”

The little girl who danced with me in the hardware store was working on a Ph.D. The little boy who couldn’t wait to show his grandfather the projects he’d built was studying to be an engineer.  Neither of my children had waited for me to be ready for them to grow up.

“Ready or not, life moves forward,” I said to myself. “The best I can do is stay involved, not disappearing into work, TV, an addiction, or anything else that pulls me away from my loved ones’ lives.”

Today I will stay involved.

Summer with the Slug Rats ? 2020 by Ken Montrose

Summer with the Slug Rats is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:


