Summer with the Slug Rats
What Could Have Been
Over the next three days we turned the heavy wooden shed to face the yard. There were people who could have cracked open a couple of beers and completed that project. I knew I was not one of them.
I could only imagine the fallout had I been drinking. The neighborhood kids would be forbidden to venture into our yard after I added several choice words to their vocabularies. “Mommy, Mr. Ken said #$#%@. What’s a #$#%@?”
The wrong color paint splatter would mark the brick behind the shed, the lattice, and the deck supports.
I’d get into an argument with Dr. Deb about whether the doors should overlap at the top, gap at the bottom. I’d tell a skeptical Brat Boy right angles and perpendicular lines were highly overrated.
I might even get arrested for urinating in public after I tried to write my name in the sawdust. I know I’d make at least one trip to the ER.
Long ago, I had accepted I wasn’t someone who could have a couple of beers. I was glad I had.
Today I’ll be grateful I’m sober.
Summer with the Slug Rats ? 2020 by Ken Montrose
Summer with the Slug Rats is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: