Summer with the Slug Rats
I picked up the phone in my office on the fourth ring.
“I’m so glad you answered,” the woman said. She sounded like she might start to cry. “I’m calling for my son.” I told her that we’d be happy to help but her son would have to be at least eighteen and he’d have to call on his own.
“He’s 32,” she said. She’d try to get him to call, but he really didn’t want to get help. I could hear her pain as she described the heartbreak he’d caused.
Some heartbreak is part of life, I thought. The rest we inflict on ourselves and others, too often chasing or using alcohol and other drugs. Not going to do that today.
Today I won’t break someone’s heart.
Summer with the Slug Rats ? 2020 by Ken Montrose
Summer with the Slug Rats is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: