Summer with the Slug Rats
Good Advice
I was sitting in the Daddy Chair later when I had an idea and called The Marketing Maven.
“No,” was all she said.
“Oh, c’mon,” I answered. “Anybody who follows that team either has a drinking problem, or is five times more likely to develop one.”
“A, you just made up the five times statistic, and B, you are not handing out your business card to anyone wearing their gear. Don’t you think diehard fans would be insulted?”
She was absolutely right, so I said, “The Boss likes me better than you,” and hung up.
I thought of people I’d known who hadn’t gotten good advice before doing something, people counseled who called their sponsor after they picked up the first drink, tried a new drug, skipped a doctor appointment, or listened to some guy on the internet instead of the board-certified professional. Things hadn't turned out well for any of them.
Today I will seek out good advice.
Summer with the Slug Rats ? 2020 by Ken Montrose
Summer with the Slug Rats is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: