The Summer of Seth
With a steady supply of new employees; some stand out. In July I was introduced to a trainee. I give everyone a chance. He was with the supervisor who wants to put everyone in a box and create a cookie cutter employee.
No wonder employee retention is a foreign concept. I was introduced to Seth. That is an uncommon name and he moved from Southern California. I have many Los Angeles frames of reference. There was a lot to discuss and he was a new voice so desperately needed.
There would not be more a revolving door if they used a temporary agency. Some employees are quiet at first and end up showing their identities. Seth ran out of the gate. He was younger than expected. His mustache made him look more mature.
If there is a Crosby, Stills and Nash movie I know who should be cast as David Crosby. Just stay away from drugs and don't fight with every musical collaborator. He was friendly and took the job to another level.
Anyone can do it. I missed out on the Hot Girl Summer. Maybe next year. The Summer of Seth is how I shall recall this period. He was the X factor that took us into new territory. It is also alliterative.
One Monday I was surprised to see that he was promoted. They seem to draft new employees who have an ounce of sense to become supervisors. They never asked me. In the beginning I did not have sense as I had to combat an abusive supervisor. That promotion would have meant I would deal with him either more.
Just say no. He is gone and forgotten. There were times when too many employees were dismissed and Seth had to take on the work of five people. I happened to see this and lightened the load as best I could. He would mention when he was frustrated and I let him. At least there is no toxic positivity on this job.
I arrived one morning with the news that Seth was moving on. He had a few jobs and wanted to work on a boat. There are probably a lot of shipping opportunities in Los Angeles and Long Beach. He might have to go to Norfolk, Baltimore or Annapolis from this area.
Never fault someone for pursuing the job they really want in their field of choice. I miss having him around. I don't want to stunt anyone's growth to merely lend a helping hand on this fleeting job. Some do not stay long. They work well enough to leave an impression and make a positive impact. He has so many jobs I might bump into him again.