Summer Reads and Videos 2024

Summer Reads and Videos 2024

This year, our experts have conducted cutting-edge research on hot topics related to China, Sudan, the Sahel, Ukraine and more. Read and watch our half-yearly?round-up from 2024.

Too late to act? Europe’s quest for cloud sovereignty

March 2024

Cloud services have changed how businesses and other organisations manage their IT infrastructure, applications and data. The European cloud market is currently dominated by American Big Tech such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft. Alexandre Gomes & Maaike Okano-Heijmans explore what steps must be taken to promote and protect Europe's technological sovereignty.?

Read policy brief .

How China is pursuing a new world order among the geopolitical ruins ?

February 2024

More countries are becoming enamored with China's multipolar world order. In this order, the West's hegemony is over, and liberalism and democracy are no longer sacred. What does the Chinese chess game mean for the West? Ties Dams explains it in conversation with Joan Veldkamp .?

Read article .

From Catastrophe to Famine: Immediate action needed in Sudan to contain mass starvation

February 2024

Anette Hoffmann warns for a catastrophic hunger crisis in war-torn Sudan. This food crisis is the result of the general's deliberate destruction of the country's food system and the obstruction of people's coping mechanisms.?

Read policy brief .?

The Sahel’s new geopolitics: “Sovereignty” means never having to say you’re sorry

June 2024

The Sahel is marked by increasingly complex geopolitics, with the American military's exit and Russia's arrival in Niger serving as key examples. Andrew Lebovich, PhD analyses what Sahelian military leaders seek from geopolitical competition and how Europe and the US can position themselves better in the region.

Read alert .?

A Chinese Tributary? The Consequences of Moscow’s ?Increased Dependence on Beijing

June 2024

Western sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine accelerated Moscow's turn towards the East. This alert by Kaspar Pucek analyses how dependent Russia has become on China and what leverage this has given Beijing over Moscow.?

Read alert .

Germany’s Zeitenwende and the consequences for German-Dutch defence cooperation

January 2024

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has led to a paradigm shift in the realm of European security and defence, most remarkably in Germany. This report by Dick Zandee addresses the potential consequences of the German Zeitenwende for Germany’s role in European security, and more specifically for the German-Dutch defence cooperation.?

Read report .

Publications in Dutch

Freedom isn’t Free: Een kosten-baten analyse van de steun aan Oekra?ne

April 2024

De afwegingen voor de kosten en baten van de steun aan Oekra?ne omvatten meer dan een eenvoudige rekensom van winsten en verliezen in euro's. Het gaat ook om de veiligheidsafwegingen en geopolitieke en morele kosten en baten, stellen Bob Deen , Roman de Baedts & Tim Sweijs.

Lees rapport .?

Clingendael Barometer: Europa moet meer soeverein worden

Juni 2024

Aan de vooravond van nieuwe Europese verkiezingen, peilde de Clingendael Buitenland Barometer welke richting de Nederlanders op willen met de Europese samenwerking. Nederlanders zijn ontevreden over de EU, maar willen wel een sterk en onafhankelijk Europa, was één van de belangrijkste conclusies.?

Lees barometer.

Ook Nederland zou lijden onder escalatie tussen China en Taiwan, en moet meer doen om dit te voorkomen?

Maart 2024

''Een potenti?le escalatie kan ernstige economische - en veiligheidsimplicaties hebben voor Europa en Nederland,'' aldus Xiaoxue Martin in deze position paper die werd behandeld tijdens een briefing van de Tweede Kamer-commissie Buitenlandse Zaken over de kwestie Taiwan. ''Alles op alles moet gezet worden om dit te voorkomen,'' benadrukte ze.?

Lees position paper .

Trendanalyse Nationale Veiligheid 2024: Stapeling van dreigingen in onzekere tijden?

Juni 2024

In de Trendanalyse Nationale Veiligheid 2024 benoemt het Analistennetwerk Nationale Veiligheid (ANV) twee belangrijke opgaven. Ten eerste is de situatie slechter geworden voor veel van de dreigingen die onze samenleving kunnen ontwrichten. Ten tweede moeten we als Koninkrijk een antwoord vinden op een aantal structurele veranderingen in de wereld om ons heen. Dit betekent dat we moeilijke strategische keuzes moeten maken en dat een weerbare samenleving steeds belangrijker wordt. Koen Aartsma schreef mee aan het rapport.

Lees rapport .??

Video highlights of 2024

In the first half of 2024, our experts had the opportunity to answer public questions and inform the public about important issues in international politics.

Can the sanctions policy against Russia be more effective? Your EU questions answered

April 2024

In the run-up to the European elections, Clingendael experts answered questions from our followers. Bob Deen addressed the first question in the series Your EU questions answered.

Sudan's hunger crisis explained

March 2024

Clingendael researcher Anette Hoffmann dives into three questions during this episode of Geopolitics in a Nutshell.


Why do Taiwanese elections matter?

January 2024

Clingendael researcher Xiaoxue Martin tells you why Taiwan's 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections are something to keep an eye on.


Session in the presence of HM Felipe VI and HM Willem-Alexander on Spanish-Dutch cooperation

April 2024?

Recording of the session at the Clingendael Institute on Spanish-Dutch cooperation amid economic and geopolitical transition, in the presence of HM Felipe VI and HM Willem-Alexander, as part of the Spanish state visit to the Netherlands.


Last but not least: Clingendael Academy alumni stories

Each year thousands of professionals from diverse corners of the world engage in our training.

'Deployment training at Clingendael indispensable'

March 2024?

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Smeets attended a pre-deployment training at the Clingendael Academy prior to his mission in the West Bank. The training was indispensable for his work there, he says.


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