Summer Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

Can you believe it's July already! Hello summer!

In this month's edition, our Co-Founder and Director, Sarah Travers shares some personal reflections on not being afraid of change, taking that leap, resilience and recognising your successes. Listen to her video blog and read her blog post.

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Use this timeline to record your successes.


TEDxLewisham is back! And once again, Bespoke Communications is proud to support this community event.?Lewisham is one of inner London's most progressive boroughs. And TEDxLewisham curator, Rachel Onikosi aims to capture the sense of civic pride and community spirit that drives innovation and leadership in her area.

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Rachel Onikosi, TEDx Lewisham Curator

Spotlight on Rachel Onikosi, TEDxLewisham curator

This is a one-woman force of nature! It's hard to find an area of civic life where Rachel is not involved! Rachel is an elected Councillor in Lewisham, and between 2014 and 2018 was a Cabinet member with political responsibility for environmental services.?She is a lay magistrate, school governor and panel chair with the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s fitness to practice directorate. She is a trustee of Victim Support, an independent charity dedicated to support people affected by crime. She is also Non Executive Director of the Consumer Council for Water and a coach and mentor to EA Inclusion, a global cultural change consultancy.?Whew! You can begin to see where Rachel found her inspiration for TEDxLewisham.?

Rachel was motivated to harness the power of TED to give local people in Lewisham a platform to share their ideas for change. She wanted to showcase Lewisham for the sense of diversity and community that makes the borough such a great place to live.?In March 22, Rachel hosted the inaugural TEDxLewisham event at Goldsmiths University of London in the heart of the borough. Two of the speakers have gone on to be nominated for the National Speakers Award, and have inspired many more to apply to speak at the 2023 event.?

To support the TEDxLewisham speakers, Bespoke Communications ran a Speaker Masterclass, sharing ideas on how to get started, where to find stories and most of all, how to get comfortable being uncomfortable. This year’s speakers will speak to the theme of ‘The Power of Kindness’. We’ll be coaching and supporting right until the event takes place on August 5th.?

Last year’s TEDxLewisham speakers shared ideas as wide ranging as the truth about love, new ways of growing an organisation, finding solace at home and many many more. The youngest speaker was just 18!?We can’t wait to see what we have in store this year. Good luck with the preparations everyone!

Upcoming Autumn Events with Bespoke Communications

Join us for one of our Autumn training events with Women in Business NI or NI Chamber . These events are open to both members and non-members.

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Managing in Times of Change with NI Chamber

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Present with Power with WIB

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Middle Management Training with NI Chamber

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Reflect and Reboot with WIB

Interested in having a conversation about you or your team's training needs? Feel free to reach out for a virtual coffee at any stage. We're happy to help! Contact us.

Have a great summer!

Camilla, Sarah and the Bespoke Comms Team.


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